Sense of helplessness
Parents take away the cancer diagnosis, the stability of daily life, and radically changes the lifestyle of the family routine, where, and suddenly enter the family cycle of a whole new world, full of Bchkhos multiple doctors and therapists, and medical terminology is complex, and remedial action, and drugs and analysis and various confusing, and the rules complex, and until they adapt to the new situation, he feels parents totally invalid to do anything, they see doctors do not know in advance make fateful decisions will affect the lives of their child, and they are in the face of serious illness and threatened, and do not have capability and not enough time to absorb what is going on with them, and not to arrange family life or their business in line with the situation, or dealing with the crisis, in addition to their concerns and skepticism about what the future holds, and concern about the provision of financial resources, and find their lives turned upside down, and the usual start to finish this situation after starting treatment, and the start of parents in decision-making, and deep in the knowledge of the facts about the disease, and grow to have confidence in the team medical staff.