Iron Deficiency Anemia
Lack of set:
1 - lack of food contained (most common) and constitutes 50-70% of reasons.
2 - gastrectomy leads to a lack of HCl.
3 - bowel resection.
4 - diseases of malabsorption (eg celiac disease).
5 - poor absorption of iron.
6 - hinder absorption materials, such as drinking tea and coffee.
7 - eat dirt (in the deviations of appetite).
8 - Turansvirin deficiency (a genetic disorder).
Increase the need for:
1 - baby
2 - Pregnancy
3 - puberty (due to the rapid increase in weight and menstrual haemorrhage in females)
Increase in waste:
1 - hemorrhages (bleeding such as gastrointestinal bleeding and Women).
2 - frequent blood donation.
3 - psychological problems (which makes a person withdraw amounts from the blood and delivered).
4 - intravascular hemolysis and leading to albuminuria or Imosiderenah Khaddabih
The most important food that is available in iron are:
1 - red meat, and peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, apricots, spinach and Swiss chard (milk food excellent, but it does not contain iron).
2 - poor absorption of iron is a very rare disease, its incidence of about 1 to two million people only, in which there is poor absorption of iron only (ie no mal-absorption of the year).
3 - in these cases must be taken twice daily need of iron.
4 - should be given to the infant iron compounds after the sixth month, and the reason is the increasing need for rapid growth during the first year.
5 - may be prima facie may be hidden (as in inflammation of the stomach and Alshadji diaphragmatic hernia, and some tumors of the colon).
Clinical demonstrations:
First - public demonstrations: the demonstrations of anemia in general.
II - special events:
1 - glossitis
2 - concave and spoon nails
3 - hair loss
4 - severe vulvar itching
5 - very severe dysphagia in Plummer Vinson syndrome
6 - splenomegaly in 10% of cases.
7 - deviation of appetite.
1 - a film screening of blood and Blood Picture shows a small-sized cells lacking pigment, a difference in the shapes and sizes of red blood cells (cells appear ring - Qlmah ...). (Ham), increasing the number of platelets (up to 400-500 A / mm 3).
2 - fresh examination: no longer used in the diagnosis: overactive note the chain-generating red and free of atoms Alimosideren dye after it was painted Pearl.
3 - Laboratory Tests: We note the following:
A - Low serum iron
- Increasing Turanseverin (total capacity Association)
C - the proportion of low-saturation:
Percentage of saturation = serum iron × 100
Binding capacity (Turanseverin)
D - Fartin low serum Ferritin is the most important.
4 - x-ray surveys are not important and no longer used.
Measure of iron deficiency anemia:
And depends on:
1 - find the cause and treatment: such as adjust the menstrual cycle, treat the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Note: If the causative agent and a clear turn to the investigation of occult blood in the stool:
2 - prosthetic treatment:
The best way is to give iron by mouth, but there are special cases where we can not resort to this method (such as malabsorption), then we resort to the intramuscular route.
Special case: in iron-deficiency anemia in severe atrophy of intestinal villi in this case we resort to give the rate of iron compounds IM Hbabh / day for 10 days then turn to the oral compounds.
Important Notes:
There is no difference in the speed of recovery between the oral route and the intramuscular route.
Almalux may not be given (and the other antacids) with iron compounds at all.
If the cause of oral administration of iron digestive problems (Akieouat - abdominal pain ...) resort to the intramuscular route.
3 - can be addressed Vitc (increases iron absorption), access to food rich in iron (red meat).
Duration of treatment:
Must continue to compensatory treatment for two months after the access to natural blood values (in order to dictate the stores).
Warning: Very Good