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Coffee may reduce the risk of deadly prostate cancer

Coffee may reduce the risk of deadly prostate cancer

Seems that men who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of developing deadly form of prostate cancer, according to a new study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, HSPH.
This has been shown that this effect of gravity Almenks demonstrated in men who drink regular coffee or decaf alike.
Lorelei Moses, an assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology at HSPH, says: "The few studies to look into the relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of cancer, prostate killer, where is this form of cancer, the most important to take preventive measures against him.. The survey, which we made the largest - even history - including a study for this relationship. " Mean prostate cancer killer cancer that causes death or spreads to the bones.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in terms of diagnosis, and comes in second place in mortality due to cancer among men in America. It affects one sixth of men during the period of their lives. In America there are more than two million survivors of prostate cancer, whereas the figure to 16 million worldwide.
"Until the present time, we lack the understanding of risk factors that can be changed or controlled in order to reduce the risk of cancer, prostate killer. If proven correct the results of this study, the coffee will then prepare a factor adjustable, which can reduce the risk of infection as the most dangerous cancer prostate, "Catherine Wilson.
Researchers chose to study coffee because it contains several compounds useful as anti-oxidant function and reduce inflammation and regulate insulin; Each of these functions can affect the prostate cancer. He has proven in previous studies of the impact of coffee-reducing the risk of both Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones disease, and cancer of the liver and scarring of the liver.
This study looks at the relationship between drinking coffee and risk of prostate cancer, particularly the risk of aggressive form of it. The study involved 47,911 American men have logged the amount of their consumption of coffee every 4 years, between 1986 and 2008. During the study period 5035 recorded a case of prostate cancer, including 642 fatal or where he got metastases.
Among the results:

- The risk of any form of prostate cancer in men who drank the largest amount of coffee (6 cups or above), was lower by about 20%.

- The risk of deadly form of cancer in the same group of men less than 60%.

- This reduction in risk found in men who drank regular coffee or decaf, so it seems that this decrease is not related to caffeine.

- Drink a cup to three cups of coffee a day associated with the infection rate of 30% less deadly form of prostate cancer.

- Those who drink coffee - often - to smoke more and exercise less exercise. As these habits and other lifestyle-related factors that increase the risk of advanced prostate cancer, has been controlled in the study (to avoid the causal relationship is not real). However, it remained coffee-reducing effect of gravity.

Must be checked from the results reached in this study with additional populations of people who eat different amounts of coffee, including a large number of cases of prostate cancer killer. If confirmed, this information, it will be added to the rest of the health benefits of coffee. The authors now plan further research to understand the exact mechanisms that affect coffee to reduce the seriousness of prostate cancer killer.
The study was published in the 17 \ May \ 2011 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. It also got support from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, the American Institute for Cancer Research, the Foundation for prostate cancer.
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