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Nervous tension and anger

Nervous tension and anger

Becomes a lot of fathers and mothers nervous too, and full of anger, and is that of interactions and reactions common when the diagnosis of childhood cancer, which is difficult to suppress or avoid them, and naturally to the reactions at any person while being a child up for attack than anything , including the disease, and perhaps more than of nervous tension is the feeling of helplessness against a disease such as cancer, and there is nothing to blame for a child, and of course different from the focus of this anger among the parents of one person to another, and from time to time, may include life or themselves or the doctors who diagnosed the disease, and medical team, which recommends processors difficult, and the child patient himself because he became ill with such incurable disease, which creates many problems and needs great efforts, or when they do not cooperate the child with the medical team, and may passes parents by periods of tension and frustration as a result of the situation as a whole and the need to deal with the medical system is complicated and complex, and may exacerbate their differences earlier with each of the feelings of anger towards them, which will complicate the situation, and may include fret also family members and relatives or friends who do not provide support and assistance to their concerns private.

And of course people differ in the expression of these feelings, some may Ictmha or denied as an act inappropriately, while he shows some more explosive and aggressive, and sometimes just to utter one of the observations of simple or irresponsible, targeting certain people cast the blame on them, and it does not can direct this anger to the cancer or to a sick child, it will turn to the children and other family members and people nearby who are vulnerable to feelings that do not solve it, and it is important to remind parents that the family members living the same crisis, and useful to search for appropriate ways to express their feelings and discharged, as it is useful to talk about such feelings and to disclose them to others as individuals, family, friends or medical team.

And in the following points are some tips provided by some fathers and mothers who passed the same stage, on dealing with the feelings of anger, stress and nervous tension:

Read the Quran and always whenever possible and without delay, and a lot of prayer and strengthen faith.

Resort to prayer when you feel nervous tension, if possible, at the same moment, or just do ablutions.

Speak with a life partner, parents or close friends.

Talk to parents of children with other patients in hospital.

Crying alone in a place when you feel like it and without inhibition.

Identified close to all the doctors and the medical team and communicate with them and not isolation from them.

Proximity to other children and family and not isolation from them.

See and read more about cancer and treatments and in detail, and what was written by parents and other mothers about their experiences, and learning about the illness of the child.

Life day by day and leave until tomorrow comes.

Not to compare the state of the sick child to cases of other children, each child is different, both in its interaction with the disease or treatments, and what happens to them is not necessarily going to happen to another.

Instead of directing anger towards others, why not be directed towards the cancer cells and focus on its processors.

Know the reason behind the feeling of anger in a given situation, and find a solution to the problem.

Physical activity for the disposal of accumulated stress.

Leave the anger and accept the fact that there is no one to blame for what happened.

It is important to remember that anger or tension, nerve unit, or alarm or anxiety is normal and expected, but required the person to find in himself what allay these feelings.
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