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Tumors on the brain and spinal cord


Calls the tumors of the brain to no growth of any abnormal cells and tissues are located within the skull, whether benign tumors do not contain precancerous cells or malignant tumors composed of cancerous cells, tumors, and unlike other emerging placements of the body, where it is important to distinguish between benign and malignant, is a benign brain dangerous roughly the same degree Kalawram cancer, where it is capable of causing physical disabilities and may be fatal at times when growth and inflation, mass and pressure on the tissues adjacent to the subject of tion the brain, although it is unable to move from their positions as do malignant tumors, which can be for most types of hand goes through the brain tissue, and a few of them were able to move and spread to other parts of the body.

And there are many tumors that arise from the central nervous system (central nervous system CNS) which includes the brain and spinal cord, and carcinogenesis caused by different types of cells and are stationed in different placements, and the unique characteristics of each specific physical effects and to indicate its type and position In particular, as to each of them and evidence of satisfactory indicators can predict which Palmrdod therapeutic, and of course different treatment plans from one type to another.

And is a central nervous system tumors, especially brain came in second in the common solid tumors in children, (they come in types of leukemia, the first prize), and accounted for close to 20% of all cases of childhood cancer, and appear in most cases, the age cohort between year the third to the second century, while adults often show the periods between the third and fifth decades of life, and on the other hand most of the established brain tumors in children and cerebellum region of the brain stem, while the result than that in adults with placements often other area of ​​the brain, and tumors are spinal cord significantly less common and more rare tumors of the brain, whether in children or adults.

Central nervous system

Central nervous system consists of the brain and cord (spinal) cord, and controls the brain and is known to all vital functions of voluntary and involuntary body, including the different senses and memory, thinking and movement, and controls the functions of various members of the other body, and exists the brain within the skull that the protection of the law, while the bones of the spine (vertebral column) to protect the spinal cord and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) in all of the brain and spinal cord, which provides them additional protection, and We have spaces around them and the cavity within the brain known as Balbtinat brain (ventricles), and is a liquid-like net brain water and contains proteins and glucose and urea and some salts, and is produced in the brain choroid Baldvaúr (choroid plexus), and the other hand, the spinal cord and neural network known especially cranial nerves (cranial nerves) the transfer of nerve messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

And the brain can be divided into four main parts include:

Brain (cerebrum) and between brain (diencephalon), and cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem), and respect of each management functions specific to the body, and of course break down these functions and disrupted the event of tumor placement specialist and symptoms specific points in the injury of that place given, on the other symptoms vary phenomenon depending on the type of the tumor, as it usually causes the same symptoms when infected parts of the brain disease and other ailments, which may not necessarily mean the existence of the emergence and throw, and it should be noted that the symptoms of the phenomenon may not precisely reflect the position of the tumor in children less than age three.


The brain is the largest parts of the brain and is located in the upper segment, and consists of the brain hemispheres (cerebral hemispheres), which unite a broad band and formed from the crust, and is of a gray substance containing neurons, and the deeper layer called the white matter, and divide the major folds of the cortex of both brain hemispheres into four lobes, the back of the skull nuchal lobe, frontal lobe and on her forehead, and temporal lobe on the temple, and parietal lobe above, and controls the ball half the brain of many vital functions, such as thinking and cognition and emotion and speech, and translation of various sensations and Kalsama sight and touch or pain, in addition to the movement of voluntary muscles, and each of these functions specific location cortex, for example, the vision center located nuchal lobe and temporal lobe status hearing.

And The type of symptoms caused by a brain tumor on its position within the hemispheres of the brain, and symptoms include the usual episodes epileptic, and difficulties in pronunciation, and changes in extreme mood, and the vagaries of personality, and the emergence of weakness or paralysis of one side of the body, and changes in vision or hearing or sense, in addition to the emergence of different motor convulsions like dance (chorea), and the emergence of the phenomenon of Alkana (athetosis) the existence of ongoing peristaltic movements of hands and feet.

Between brain (diencephalon)

Include the structure of diencephalic region thalamus (thalamus) and the hypothalamus or hypothalamus (hypothalamus), which is linked to the hypothalamus sense and control the physical movement, and is considered as the ground for signs of sensory up to the cerebral cortex and works as a hub for the interpretation of some of them, such as pain and feeling of heat, pressure and touch, while the hypothalamus is linked to involuntary functions, such as regulating body temperature and fluid balance and thirst or hunger, also secrete hormones that controls the pituitary gland (pituitary gland).

Parts of the brain


The cerebellum controls balance and consistency in the motor and the movement of voluntary muscles, consistency, and the usual cause of the tumors arising Palmkhikh difficulties in controlling motor balance, and ataxia and the loss of accuracy in guiding the movement of the hands and feet, in addition to changes in pattern of talk, headache and vomiting.

Brain stem (brain stem)

And consists of three sections include the medulla oblongata or the medulla oblongata (Medulla oblongata) and bridge (Pons) and midbrain (Midbrain), and contains bundles of nerve fibers, which transports the signals controlling the movement of muscles and sense or feeling, and most cranial nerves start from the brain stem, and there are special centers in different part of this sensitive controls breathing, heartbeat and swallowing processes, and vomiting and coughing.

And cause brain tumors arising in the trunk of the emergence of many of the symptoms, such as muscular sclerosis, paraplegia and face or body, and the emergence of sense or hearing disabilities and difficulties breathing and swallowing, and the emergence of an active endocrine changes, as is the double vision and ataxia while walking one of the very early symptoms of brain stem tumors.

Spinal cord (Spinal cord)

Or spinal cord is present within the vertebral canal, which consists of gaps vertebral paragraphs of the spine, and begins as an extension of the spinal rectangular trunk of the brain, and has, in turn, bundles of nerve fibers long that carry nerve signals of different controlling many functions, such as muscle movement and sensation or feeling, or the movement of the bladder and bowel, and there are many symptoms that appear when the tumor spinal cord, such as paralysis or numbness and weakness, and the usual symptoms appear beside the body, such as numbness, feet together, given the composition of the spinal cord of flour, extended for long distance, and perhaps the most important characteristic of tumors of the spinal cord tumors of the brain, which usually affects one side of the body, and most of the tumors of the spinal cord arise placements down the neck and after the branch nerves related Baldhirain of the spinal cord, and therefore appear in most cases, symptoms related to the functions of feet, or bladder or bowel.

Brain anatomy

On the other hand, tumors may arise in different cranial nerves or peripheral nerves, such as tumors of the optic nerve, which is one of the most common among children, and tumors of the auditory nerve (acoustic nerve) and that lead to hearing loss in one or both ears, and nerve tumors facial (facial nerve) and that lead to facial paralysis, nerve tumors or the emergence of triple Altaami
(Trigeminal nerve), which may lead to the emergence of severe facial pain, while tumors arising cause peripheral nerve symptoms include pain, sensory loss and muscle weakness associated with these placements nerves.

Types of cells and tissues of the brain and spinal cord

Neurons or closeness (Neurons)

Is the closeness, and also called Balasbonat of the most important types of cells, the brain and the main component of the nervous system, and determine the electrical signals carried by the closeness, and you send through the nerve fibers, all the activities of the brain and spinal cord, such as thinking and memory, emotions and speech and muscle movement, and it is known that closeness to stop the split and thus multiply during the first year after birth (with few exceptions), and unlike many types of cells that can grow and multiply continuously, and for tissue regeneration and repair when harmed diseases or wounds or other.

Glial cells (Glial cells)

And is supporting cells of the brain and there are three types of glial cells constituting the nervous sticky (Neuroglia):

Stellate cells (astrocytes), and a few cells or branching Alngsn (oligodendrocytes), and ependymal cells (ependymal cells), and they grow and divide very slowly, and continue to grow until the child reaches the numerical age of five only, then the brain, where up to maximum size and remain so for life, and it should be noted that most of the tumors of the brain and spinal cord arise from precancerous glial cells.

And help astrocytes to support and supply of closeness, as linked by blood vessels and wraps around to form a support network, and helps in the formation of blood-brain barrier, and conducting the darn of brain tissue when a wound or injury, which helps to heal, while producing glial cells a few branching rule myelin (myelin) that surround and isolate the nerve fibers brain and spinal cord, and thus help closeness in the transfer of electrical signals through them, and the cells lining Vttoagd part of procedure of the ventricles of the cerebral status of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord, where the Ptbtinha single layer, and Here is part of the ascension of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Microglia (microglia)

And immune cells are central nervous system and are not quite in the glial cells of origin, and is the bacteria and engulf foreign organisms, and a population of about 20% of all glial cells in the brain.

Meninges membranes (meninges)

And is the tissue lining the private spaces surrounding the brain and spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid-filled, and there are two types of the meninges:

Leptomeningeal (leptomeninges) or Web Alhnon
(Pia-arachnoid) and are the thin membranes of the cerebrospinal fluid directly, and the large meningitis (pachymeninges) or dura mater (dura) and is more solid and surrounded Balshaaa thin.

Membranes, meninges

Schwann cells (Schwann cells)

And the production of myelin (myelin) that surrounds and insulates nerve fibers and other cranial nerves of the body, and a key role in the formation of sheath Alennkaina to the axis of the nerve fibers.

Choroid plexus (Choroid plexus)

And is a network of capillaries and ependymal cells positioned within the cerebral ventricles and secrete the cerebrospinal fluid.

Pituitary gland (Pituitary gland)

And is located at the center of the brain almost, and is one of the most important endocrine glands and body also called gland Ms. (Master gland) where the organization of many activities vital to the glands of other Bafrazha of many hormones, such as growth hormone, which stimulates and controls the physical growth, and hormone prolactin, which controls the secretion of breast milk, and hormonal stimuli to the secretion of thyroid hormones and adrenal gland, or stimulating the secretion of sex hormones.

Hypothalamus (hypothalamus)

The hypothalamus is part of the brain located near the East and the pituitary gland, and is one of the most important parts of the nervous system, which plays a key role in many neurological and vital functions, the most important control in the coordination of the autonomic nervous system and non-voluntary activities, such as regulating heart rate and the movement of the food canal tract and cramps urinary bladder and the organization of body temperature, and acts as a regulator and a temporary for many vital systems to periodic and is a mediator between the nervous system and the system of endocrine Bthvezh of the pituitary gland and guiding the work Bafrazh of hormones organization that urges them to the secretion of hormones or inhibit , it also produces hypothalamic hormone oxytocin (Oxytocin), who works on the contraction of uterine smooth muscle at birth and milk spout outside of the breast, and hormone brake to urinate (Antidiuretic hormon), which reduces the amount of urine formed kidney.

Pineal gland (Pineal gland)

And is one of the endocrine glands and are located between the hemispheres of the brain, and secrete the hormone melatonin (melatonin), which reacts to changes in light and works on the organization and timing of periodic biological processes in the body.

Blood-brain barrier (Blood-brain barrier)

Unlike most other member body, there is a barrier between the blood and the tissues of the central nervous system consists of components braids choroid, and allows for specific substances to enter the cerebrospinal fluid, and thus protects the brain and spinal cord of harmful substances, as it prevents many drugs from the force directly to the brain and spinal cord, including some of the drug treatment of tumors.

Types of tumors of the brain and spinal cord

Can arise tumors of any type of cell or tissue component of the brain or spinal cord, may also result in some of them for carcinogenesis mixture of brain cells, and should, of course, distinguish between tumors arising brain basis and between secondary tumors transmitted to it from elsewhere, which Various schemes are addressed, and such tumors are secondary transmitted to the brain is less common in children of brain tumor origin, and the other rare tumors of the brain to move the original members of the long-positions or the position of the nurture.

Glial tumors (Gliomas)

Or Aldbakomat, and is the most common tumors in the nervous system in children, and they include many of the brain tumors that arise from glial cell carcinoma of various types and are classified according to their position and type of cells Almtsrtunh, and generally include the following types of tumors:

Stellate cell tumors (astrocytomas)

Or tumors arise from astrocytes and precancerous cells and astrocytes constitute about 50% of all brain tumors in children, and can be divided into two types, known as type I tumors leachate or popup (infiltrating astrocytomas), and is characterized by wide swath through the spread of the tumor tissues of the brain when the sound diagnosis, which is difficult to be addressed, and can be transmitted, such as these tumors in some cases along the ascension of the cerebrospinal fluid, but in most cases do not travel further than that outside the brain or spinal cord except in rare cases.

And classification of tumors of the usual stellar leachate by microscopic appearance to three degrees, mainly tumors minimum (low grade), and mainly moderate (intermediate grade) and upper class (high grade), where low-grade tumors grow more slowly growing tumors, while grade moderate pace intermediate, and tumors are the fastest growing upper class, and the most important priorities of glial tumors

And the other type is known as tumor astrocytes is leachate (noninfiltrating astrocytomas), and is of significant indicators are satisfactory and promising, and include tumors asterisk poetic young (juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas), which arise often Palmkhikh can arise nerve visual and Balouta or placements other brain and large-cell tumors asterisk under the lining (subependymal giant cell astrocytomas) arising Balbtinat brain, and in most cases associated with a case of tuberculoid sclerosis inherited
(Tuberous sclerosis) in the patient and that the usual cause of epilepsy and mental retardation.

Conversely there are other types of pathological indicators also promising, and which, despite the similar appearance with the microscopic cancer cells but relatively benign tumors, and may arise from precancerous cell with a mixed origin between glial cells and neurons, and appears commonly in children and adolescents and a rare appearance in adults, and from these species:
Multiple tumors yellowish stellate morphology (Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma PXA) and tumors of neural epithelium of fetal deformity (Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor DNET), and that the usual surgical treatment to work but in most cases.

Tumors of glial cells, few Alngsn (oligodendroglioma)

And arise from precancerous cells, glial few Alngsn (oligodendrocytes), and can be leached or transmitted pattern is analogous to the tumor astrocytes and can not be eradicated surgically completely in most cases, although medical statistics that have reported cases has achieved years heal the long-term up to 40 years without tumor recurrence after treatment, as these tumors may be passed along the electrode cerebrospinal fluid, but contrast is rarely transmitted to places outside the area of ​​the brain or spinal cord.

Ependymal tumors (Ependymoma)

And carcinogenesis arising from ependymal cells (ependymal cells) Balbtinat brain, and is the largest risks in the development of cerebral edema (hydrocephalus), where these tumors are blocked exits the cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles, causing a greatly amplified, and otherwise stellar tumors and tumors glial Alngsn few rare to leach or move through the tissue tumors of the lining surrounding the brain, which allows surgical removal and to achieve healing in most cases, especially when the localization of the tumor region of the spinal cord, and of course, can pass these tumors along the electrode cerebrospinal fluid cord, but they do not travel to places outside the area of ​​the brain or spinal cord.

And ependymal tumors represent about 10% of all brain tumors in children and often appear below the age group X, and is slow growing compared to other brain tumors, and studies indicate medical risk to the high rate of return of these tumors after the initial treatments, and It is noted that the tumor yield is more aggressive and resistant to treatments.

Trunk of glial brain tumors (Brain stem gliomas)

And is rooted trunk of brain tumors, and its appearance is confined almost entirely in children under the adult age group, especially between the fifth and seventh, and usually arise from the different symptoms include blurred and double vision or mobility difficulties face or one side of the body or by walking and balance or motor coordination, while not unusual to increase the pressure inside the skull, and the most difficult to remove surgically because of its sensitive and non-surgical available for work in addition to the sensitivity of the complex and multiple functions controlled by that part of the brain.

Optic nerve gliomas (Optic nerve gliomas)

And also called tumors electrode optical, and positioned these tumors nerve optical extension or placements around him, and often associated with the presence of the first type of bug neurofibromas (Neurofibromatosis - type 1) in the patient, and also known illness Ericlengahaozn (Recklinghausen's disease) , (and are the reasons for a genetic characterization of the emergence of tumors of the fibrous nerve terminal, and the appearance of brown spots on the skin and deformities tissue under the skin and bones, and the usual cause of this malady in the emergence of tumors of neural multiple), and show the cases of tumors electrode visual symptoms include vision loss and disruption of hormonal secretion, and although it is not fatal in most cases, but may lead to loss of sight altogether, and the other is processed successfully surgical solo work in many cases, and processors may be used in some other tumors cases of chemotherapy and radiation.

Closeness tumors (Tumors of neurons)

Of the most important characteristic of tumors in children than for adults, they arise from precancerous stem cells, primary (primitive stem cells) that develop and differentiate into specialized adult cells, and tumors arise in the same pattern of nerve cells, or closeness, which can be broadly grouped into tumors dermis initial neurological phenomenon (Primitive neuroectodermal tumors PNET), which are priorities spinal tumors (Medulloblastomas) of the main types, accounting for approximately 15% of brain tumors in children, and believed to arise from precancerous stem cells and that the initial Palmkhikh have the ability development to turn either to the boutiques or to glial cells, and the longer these tumors the most rapid growth is that they contrast with a high level in response to the processors standard as it can be cured more than 50% of cases to work surgical and sometimes using processors radiation or by adding a little chemotherapy.

On the other hand, called the dermis phenomenon nerve tumors initial priorities of pineal tumors (pineoblastomas) positioned when the pineal gland (the gland and are the cycles that govern sleep and waking natural), while the tumors are called primitives nerve only
(Neuroblastomas) arise when Bnsfi football brain, and these tumors are fast-growing tumors, like other nerve and dermis can be transmitted along the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Gliomas Streptococcus (Gangliogliomas)

Called tumors that consist of a mixture combines closeness and adult glial cells, glial tumors Streptococcus, and is the highest in the cure rates using standard surgical work individually or with a little of the radiation treatments.

Choroid plexus tumors (Choroid plexus tumors)

And the tumors arise Baldvaúr choroid within the ventricles cerebral, and are usually benign tumors, and is called tumor papillary cum plexu choroid (choroid plexus papillomas) and heal working surgery alone, but some types of contrast precancerous, and is called in this case, cancer tissue of the braids choroid (choroid plexus carcinomas).

Phagocytic cranial tumors (craniopharyngiomas)

And benign tumors arise is the highest position of the pituitary gland and under the base of the brain, and are usually very close to the optic nerve, making it difficult to perform surgery genocide, and these tumors may press on the pituitary and hypothalamus, which in turn leads to disruption of hormonal secretion, and although they are benign tumors is that it is difficult to remove surgically because of their position within the sensitive tissue of the brain, and may be the use of radiation treatments in some cases.

Schwann cell tumors (Schwannomas) or tumors of nerve sheaths (neurilemoma)

Arise, and these rare tumors in children Schwann cells that surround and isolate the cranial nerves and other nerves, and tumors are benign in most cases and is usually positioned near the cerebellum and cranial nerve responsible for balance and hearing, and may indicate its appearance in the last case to the existence of evidence of a genetic family, such as syndrome neurofibromas (neurofibromatosis) above.

Meningeal tumors (Meningiomas)

And these tumors arise membranes resulting in meningitis and different symptoms when pressure on the brain or spinal cord, and although it benign tumors in most cases and rare in children but may soon be stationed dangerous degree of vital tissue within the brain or spinal cord, which prevents the processing of surgically, and on the other hand there are kinds of rare malignant meningeal tumors, from which the tumor Algarni meningitis (Meningiosarcoma), which may return again after surgical removal and may be transmitted in rare cases to other parts of the body.

Cordatum epithelial tumors (Chordoma)

These tumors arise and the rear of the skull bones or ultimately peripheral lower spinal cord, and it is unusual to move to other places, and studies indicate that it may return repeatedly after standard treatments within periods ranging from 10 to 20 years.

Tumors of the reproductive cells (Germ cell tumors)

Through the stages of embryonic development of natural transmitted germ cells course specific to settle Balambayd or testes to develop into eggs or sperm cells, but in some cases end up, to settle at places unusual, such as the brain, and may give rise to tumors similar to tumors arising from precancerous cells, genital testicles or ovaries, and usually arise from such central nervous system tumors in children pineal gland or the pituitary gland at the top, and knows more common tumor types Jerthma (germinoma), which can be cured radiation treatments and chemotherapy at times when almost all cases, and it should be mentioning that it is possible to diagnose these tumors sometimes simply measuring the rates of some chemical compounds cerebral spinal fluid or blood without the need for other tests.

Risk factors for the emergence of tumors of the central nervous system

The term risk factors (Risk factors) to the factors and conditions predisposing to increase the likelihood of vulnerability to any disease, such as cancer, when any person, and there are risk factors for each type of tumor, and may include risk factors and genetic any associated characteristics of genes, in addition to factors related to the environment or lifestyle and living conditions, and although the factors on the pattern of living, such as smoking and poor nutrition or alcohol consumption are important factors in many of the tumors in adults, but its impact is none or weak when dealing with tumors of children, and with respect to factors dangerous for the environment, not clear to researchers of any link between the emergence of brain tumors and environmental factors either before or after the birth, such as exposure to toxic chemicals or contamination of water and air, also did not prove the existence of any link to other conditions, such as the use of X-rays during pregnancy or during the period childhood, or eating different types of drugs, and most are not linked to brain tumors and confirmed the seriousness of factors known and arise without any apparent reasons can be attributed to it.

And have reported some studies on the existence of the risk for the emergence of such tumors when exposed to certain environmental influences or chemicals, such as exposure to the gas vinyl chloride (vinyl chloride and is a gas odorless used in the industries of plastics), or use the material Aspartame (aspartame) and is an alternative industrial sugar, or exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones or wire high-tension electrical, as well as bruises and injuries head, but most researchers in this field agree that there is no firm evidence and exclusive clearly indicates the impact of these factors, and in fact There are studies of adverse effect that such factors are not causes of brain tumors.

Risk factors for tumor treatments

According to many medical studies for a direct relationship, and by the seriousness of small, between the treatment of cancer patients, whether adults or children, radiation therapy, and between the appearance of secondary tumors is the original tumor processor during the later periods of life, including the emergence of brain tumors (especially tumors asterisk and tumors of the meninges) when the head within the field of radiation therapy, which increases risk of its development when receiving treatments in the periods of early life as well as receiving high doses, and is of such secondary tumors are more common in adults, where it is usual that appear several years after the end of radiation treatments.

And in this regard, we note that the ionizing radiation used in the treatment of radioactive and also the hardware imaging X-ray is one of the more risk factors confirmed the emergence of brain tumors, and has confirmed the studies of medical treatments are radiation doses reduced and used by more than fifty years to treat children infected with T. scalp (ringworm of the scalp), which are caused by a fungal infection, has led to the emergence of the high proportion of brain tumors among those children during the later periods of their lives.

Genetic risk factors and genetic ills

Found to scientists for decades, that man may inherit from parents on some changes and imbalances blades curls genetic DNA of the cells, which in turn cause disease spread in the family-specific, and there is the proportion of high risk for many diseases at the birth of children with some types of birth defects, which know Palmtlazmat (syndromes and can be defined the syndrome as a set of concurrent symptoms and deformities or disabilities or anomalies other, which appears in most cases combined in the same patient), and of syndromes and illnesses genetic been linked between them and increase the proportion of risk for the emergence of tumors central nervous system:

I Fraomena syndrome (Li-Fraumeni) and that add to it increases the level of risk for the emergence of tumors, leukemia and bone tumors Algarnih and breast cancer and soft tissue tumors, also carries the risk for the emergence of tumors of the brain and spinal cord tumors, especially gliomas.

The first type of bug neurofibromas (Neurofibromatosis - type 1), and known illness Ericlengahaozn (Recklinghausen's disease) referred to above, and is one of the most important bugs that carry the risk of tumors of the nervous system, and are as previously stated reason for a genetic characterization of the emergence of tumors fibrous nerve terminal, and the usual cause in the emergence of multiple neural tumors, and increase the proportion of risk for the emergence of brain tumors, especially gliomas and tumors of the optic nerve, and has recently been Palmorth determine the type of damage responsible for the emergence of this illness.

The second type of bug neurofibromas (Neurofibromatosis - type 2), and if it carries less risk ratio of the first type, and have linked some of the medical research between them and the emergence of tumors, meningitis, and tumors of the auditory nerve (acoustic nerve) and ependymal tumors cord cord.

Bug sclerosis inherited tuberculoid (tuberous sclerosis), and the usual show of this ailment with tumors infiltrated by a massive stellar type cells to subendothelial (subependymal giant cell astrocytomas), as well as some benign tumors of the skin or kidneys.

Bug von Hippel-Lindau (Von Hippel-Lindau disease), and are the reasons for a rare genetic condition of the properties of the emergence of tumors and vascular Barouk retina and cerebellum and the emergence of cysts or congenital liver and kidneys and pancreas, leading to growth Noapt and throws, and linking medical research between the existence of these illness and high risk for the emergence of the priorities of vascular tumors (hemangioblastomas) Palmkhikh and retina, in addition to renal cell carcinoma tissue
(Renal cell carcinomas).

About the emergence of tumors of the central nervous system

We need to understand how the emergence of cancer cells, knowledge of some basic and preliminary information from genes (genes)
And genetic characteristics, Valmorth is a part of the DNA Alrebonowi (deoxyribonucleic acid DNA) carries the characteristics of specific genetic and has a vital function specific, and an example set of genes color of the eyes and skin, or blood group, and this acid is a chemical that carries instructions for system and the life cycle of cells, and the control of all its activities, and is a type of abnormal changes in the DNA of the genes influencing factor in determining the type of disease that may affect humans, and genes are the parts of chromosomes
(Chromosomes), which can be likened to a band-like linear strand of DNA super length, containing thousands of genes lined end to end, and the DNA is organized strictly in the 23 pairs of chromosomes, inherits half of each pair from one parent.

And there are multiple types and so many of the genes, and each of them vital functions and characteristics of specific genetic, and contains some of the types of instructions and codes of genetic control in the mechanism of growth and division, and thus replication and reproduction for the production of new cells, and from these urges the specific genes and modify the operations of cell division, called idiomatically tumor genes (oncogenes),
And other slow genes and inhibit the division and reproduction, or give instructions to the self-annihilation of the cell when needed, and is called inhibiting genes of swelling (Tumor suppressor genes).

And other words, the cells multiply and divide and grow under the guidance of the program is encrypted Bhamadha nuclear, and receive a signal to stop at a certain point where the available amount desired of cells, depends divide and multiply, and run programs next directed the cells to produce proteins necessary for the cells become very and specialized able to carry out the tasks entrusted to it, ie, that the system of division, growth and employment, stops and starts and is active as a sequential staggered, and free of errors to produce normal cells intact, and there are many ways to block and district progress of this system systematically, for example, If there is a lack of stop sign and did not work for some reason, continue to the cells to divide and multiply unchecked and the mass of abnormal enlarged, or when a failure in the work of genes inhibiting the swelling, which produces a certain protein is responsible for the arrest of the cell when there is damage to DNA , either to fix bugs or to exterminate self when you can not reform, when not working this protein for some reason, continue to cells with damaged DNA in the division, and production of new cells, causing more damage in genes other, which control the growth and development of cells and ends is the emergence of cancer.

On the other hand, one may inherit some of the abnormal changes (or defects), DNA from his parents, which explains the appearance of some illnesses are common in some families, and these changes are called Balthorat or changes to the root structure (mutations),
Which also arise for reasons that are incomprehensible and unjustified imbalance just like the other images that affect this acid, which can be summarized in the following points:

Distraction of the chromosomes and the exchange sites (Translocation) between the two parts of the DNA, that is, a section of DNA Besbga a homeless HOS Besbga different and asymmetric with him, leading to rearrange programs encoded DNA of the cell with the stability of error and system crashes, context-oriented for the different stages, and this imbalance in particular is responsible for the emergence of some types of tumors of children, especially some types of leukemia.

Reflection or the coup (inversion), which means that part of the chromosome is inverted, and overlay in reflected light it is still linked to the same chromosome.

Addendum (addition) of any part of the chromosome (chromosome or the whole) has doubled, and found many copies of it to the cell.

Loss or erasure (deletion) of some of the clips Besbga specific DNA.

And from here can Ttsrtun normal cells in the event of any of the mentioned types of imbalance structure of DNA (ie, mutations or abnormal structure of chromosomes fugue or a reversal or erasure or addition), which in turn paid (directly or indirectly) to run without tumor gene controls (which lose the ability to control cell growth and reproduction), or invalidate the work of genes inhibiting the swelling, and end up with the emergence of a cancerous tumor, and it is important to know that, and except for genetic disorders that increase the level of risk for the emergence of some tumors, and it is not inevitable at all, scientists do not know the real reasons and confirmed that lead to an imbalance types of DNA, (which trigger or trigger) and that lead to carcinogenesis of normal cells and tumor.

In terms of tumors of the nervous system, the researchers found that damages genes that appear ailments and syndromes of genetic, such as the above-mentioned associated with an increased hazard ratio for the emergence of some tumors of the central nervous system, and for example, arise syndrome me Fraomena (Li-Fraumeni) for the inheritance of disruption of DNA leads to frustration gene brake on the swelling called me 53 (p53 tumor suppressor gene), so that does not work proteins that the gene responsible for the arrest of cells to repair the damages the DNA and prevent cells damaged from growing, which increases the rates of risk for the emergence of many tumors , from which brain tumors, especially tumors asterisk.

And have reported many studies on the presence of alterations multiple genes linked to the emergence of tumors of the brain and spinal cord, which we mention the existence of many copies of both chromosome VII or the second and twenty in many brain tumors, as well as a loss and erase (deletion) of sections of DNA nuclear chromosomes IX and X and XVII, where the observed loss Babbga seventeenth tumors asterisk low-grade, while showing loss Babbga ninth in the mid-stage of tumor astrocytes top class, and shows the loss a section of chromosome X in the advanced stages of tumors priorities glial multi-conformation, and on the other hand there is the loss of multiple-clips of chromosome II and the twenty tumors of the meninges, and benefit the researchers that the sections missing from this chromosome contains many genes inhibiting the swelling and preventing the growth of tumor, and it is hoped to know such data access to effective treatments for tumors of the nervous system.

On the other hand need to refer to abnormal changes to the structure of DNA and associated with the emergence of tumors of the nervous system when the majority of cases are acquired and incidental damages after birth and during the early stages of the life of children and not before, hereditary, and is important to remember that there are no risk factors are known and confirmed in most patients these tumors, and no one knows the reasons for the emergence of such imbalances leading to the development of tumor growth with and without the presence of signs and genetic ills, and there is nothing that can be done to avoid the emergence of cancer.

About the symptoms of brain tumors and spinal cord

There is no analysis of certain at the present time, or laboratory testing to detect early for brain tumors, and the fact that the chances of recovery depend on the type of tumor and its position within the central nervous system and not on early diagnosis, and for most tumors of the brain and spinal cord, there is evidence of very few that early diagnosis and therefore early treatment increases the chances of recovery, and of course, is suspected of such tumors when the patient shows a set of symptoms that may indicate it, and in most cases, these symptoms appear gradually slow getting worse over time, but contrast may appear, some sudden and severe and longer seizures from the beginning of the usual symptoms of brain tumors in many cases, and though few of such seizures caused by brain tumors in children, but he needed in any case consult a specialist nerves to determine the causes of these seizures, and the need for further tests as they arise when any child.

On the other hand supports early diagnosis of tumors of the brain and spinal cord in most cases on the subject of the emergence of the tumor within the tissues of the nervous system, where the symptoms are clear and in the early stages when the tumor location-sensitive and mission, and later appear at the tumor placements less important , and of course, affect the emergence and growth of the tumor to vital functions associated with the locus of its inception, and therefore the initial symptoms to indicate its position, for example, tumors of the spinal cord causing numbness and weakness usually the feet together, while the cause tumors arising Bnsfi Football imbalances in the brain dynamics of the body, and has already been mentioned all of these symptoms, and in this regard is the high pressure inside the skull the viewer the most common brain tumors, which may in turn causes symptoms the next, such as severe headaches and constant, and nausea and vomiting, and impaired vision, and is the headache of the most These symptoms are common and appear in more than half of the children, while high pressure causes some children to double vision and squint eye, may lead to loss of vision completely for others, and it should be noted that it is customary to check the high pressure inside the skull examined the bottom of the eye, to investigate the presence of enlarged nerve optic, or what is known as edema optic papilla (papilledema), and as noted above due to the high pressure was released as a direct result of the growth of tumors and impede the flow of cerebrospinal fluid or filled to its channels, and indicators of the gradual rise of such pressure in children below school age the emergence of different symptoms, such as continuous agitation, loss of appetite, delayed growth and natural retreat and decline of mental abilities and motor skills.

And symptoms common to school age children, the appearance of a sudden decline in academic performance and continued lethargy and fatigue, and extreme fluctuations personality and mood, and complain of vague physical problems, and headaches, intermittent, and on the other hand there is a common symptom in infants include increased size of the head is abnormally may be accompanied by the appearance of swelling placements soft skull, in addition to vomiting, continuous and twice the physical growth, and it should be noted that these symptoms may not necessarily mean the presence of tumors of the central nervous system as it also produces many of the other diseases.

On diagnosis

When you see the symptoms that can be attributed to the presence of tumors, brain or spinal cord, the doctors perform a series of tests and laboratory tests, which begin clinical examination and finding health history of the child, to collect data on brain function tests nerves, and of course a doctor specialist nerves surgeon or specialist neurological surgeries such tests, and in this regard to note that the diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the brain and spinal cord should be the status of specialized children and tumors by an integrated team of specialists, headed by that of the normal nerve specialist surgeon (neurosurgeon) is responsible for diagnosis and assess the situation from all aspects and conduct surgeries, assisted by a team of specialist science and diseases, tumors and radiation therapy and endocrine, and psychiatrists and specialists in natural treatments and rehabilitation, in addition to social workers and nursing staff specialist treatment of sick children with cancer .

Begin the next step, when there are data a strong push to suspect the presence of tumor to the nervous system, an imaging studies, many of which capture detailed images of internal organs are examined by specialists nerves and rays, in order to determine the extent of growth of the tumor, and then identify the various aspects of the tumor accurately , and traditionally is used for radiography CT (Computed tomography scan), in addition to imaging MRI magnetic (Magnetic resonance imaging using radio waves, magnetic to put multiple images of the body), which can show brain tumors clearly in most cases, as well as to determine their positions accurately, and is particularly useful in identifying tumors trunk of the brain and cerebellum.

And there are many other imaging studies and used by brain tumors, the most important planning tomography stream of positive electrons (Positron emission tomography PET scan), which is injected a low dose of radiation is vital, such as glucose, and shows the planned rate of consumption of tumor cells of sugar as an energy source, and compares a rate of consumption of brain cells other, and in general, consume brain tumors of the upper grades of high levels of sugar more than brain cells proper (hyper metabolism hyper-metabolism), while consuming tumors of the lower rates of less than (lack of metabolism hypo-metabolism), and on the other hand is the use of such an examination later to assess the response of tumors to treatments of different, as is the use of planning vascular (Angiography), in order to take pictures of radiation of different vessels and capillaries by X-ray after the injection of a certain type of pigments vascular vessels close to the position of the tumor, which helps to clarify the blood supply to the tumor tissue.

And although the symptoms and tests and clinical tests soundtracks of various types could clearly confirm the presence of tumors of the brain or spinal cord, but the only way to be absolutely sure, and give a definitive diagnosis and then distinguish the type of tumor and its properties precisely, is a osteotomy surgery, which aims to draw a biopsy of the tumor tissue to be examined microscopically, and is such an osteotomy that the neurosurgeon surgery to open the skull and remove more than how many possible tumor tissue, or extract a biopsy using a needle of poetry is directed precisely to the tumor mass using CT or MRI magnetic, a process known as technology osteotomy stereotactic (stereotactic biopsy), and as is the case when the diagnosis of tumors, the specialist science Neurology (neuropathologist) examine the sample carefully under a microscope to determine the type of tumor cells and their properties vital, as a prelude to arrange treatment plans appropriate.

On the other hand are traditionally perform a spinal tap (Lumbar puncture) in order to draw a sample of cerebrospinal fluid and examined under a microscope for detecting the presence of cancer cells, with further analysis to investigate the presence of certain compounds produced by some tumors, such as tumors of the reproductive cells, as is a biopsy of the bone marrow (Bone Marrow Biopsy) in some cases, particularly primate spinal tumors (medulloblastomas) which can move out of the nervous system, to investigate the extent of the tumor cells to move away from positions Growing within the nervous system.

(Please go to a page that tests and laboratory tests for more details on these various tests).

Classification of tumors of the central nervous system

The basics of cancer treatments follow the classification systems of the tumors, which is done through data collection adequate around the tumor to various tests and examinations, from the identification of the type of tumor and its position and its size and its properties vital to ascertain the extent of his move from the position of its inception to the surrounding tissue or to any other sites, and through all the data are classified as grade of the tumor (grading), and progress is determined classification (Staging), and that in order to arrange appropriate treatment plans, and to predict therapeutic Palmrdod expected.

In terms of the central nervous system tumors, these data are in many of the factors by which to order the treatment plan and predict therapeutic path possible, and include the child's age and type of cells and Almtsrtunh degree and position of the tumor within the nervous system, and can be removed surgically quantum of tissues and may is left after the surgery, and the performance level of the child's physical (depending on the symptoms caused by the tumor), and the movement of cancer cells through the cerebrospinal fluid to elsewhere in the brain and spinal cord, in addition to the existence of transmission of cancer to other sites outside the nervous system (and if this is rare).

At present there is no classification system progress to tumors the central nervous system as is the case in other tumor types, although there are several proposals in this regard, but they are not espoused by the various medical schools, and traditionally is simply the classification of brain tumors in categories according to their position within the and the type of brain cells where it arises, and the appearance and behavior of tumor tissue, and thus rolling classified generally into two categories: upper arise upper part of the brain over a tent, or cerebellum (Supratentorial), and lower arise at the bottom of the brain or the cerebellum under the tent (Infratentorial ), then fork classification by type, and on the other hand is determining the degree of tumor after extracting a sample of tissue and examine it microscopically to determine the type of cells Almtsrtunh and appearance and how Hdhuzha from normal cells, and thus the extent of (aggressiveness), and the usual classification of the degree of this tumors gradually between the number (1) to (4), where the appearance of tumors, mainly high anomaly and grow more rapidly than tumors mainly lower, as they are more Tsrtna.
And some types of brain tumors (such as spinal tumors, protozoa) are classified cases according to the degree of risk into two categories, the category of moderate risk (average-risk) and bad-risk category (poor-risk) based on the age of the child, focus and position of the tumor, and quantity can be surgically removed from the tissue, and what has left them after the surgery, in addition to the transmission of the tumor from the subject of evolution, but such a classification is a trader in most central nervous system tumors.

Processors on the central nervous system tumors

As is the case with the treatment of cancer, treatment of sick children are brain tumors and spinal cord to work and initial surgical treatment and primary radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy, and depending on the type of tumor, and, of course, are arranged in the treatment plan for each child individually in order to provide the best opportunities in the recovery, taking into account the always late complications of the treatments and the disease, and it should be noted that treatment of infants and who are the age of less than three years are mainly dependent on surgery to remove tumors and chemotherapy alone, and delaying the use of processors radiation as possible , in order to avoid late complications of radiation, which may impede the normal physical growth and affect the cognitive development of the child, and in general are keen doctors specialists to ensure all radiation treatments to reduce the quantum of radiation-prone healthy brain tissue in children of all ages.

And there are good opportunities to heal the many sick children these tumors after receiving the treatment standard and appropriate, and improve opportunities significantly in the cases of tumors administration, confined Bmoadaha, and with regard to returns, therapeutic, according to medical statistics that the cure rates for the five-year standard for pediatric patients of brain tumors of average of 60% for each of these types of tumors, (indicates the rate of healing of the standard five years to the proportion of patients who live at least five years since diagnosed with cancer specific, and of course many people recover fully and live much more, and this rate is usually used as an indication of when the statistical cancer cases), but the percentages vary of course depending on the type of tumor and its position, and is difficult to evaluate a certain percentage, for example the recovery is achieved in about ninety percent of sick children asterisk tumors arising Palmkhikh surgical work.


Generally begin treatment plans for brain tumors by the neurosurgeon to remove as many as possible of the tumor tissue subject of surgery, and may be able to surgical work solo from removal of the entire tissue tumor in many cases, however, it is customary to place control of most tumors treatment Joint Surgery and radiation therapy, and such plans are particularly useful in the treatment of some types of tumors Palmkhikh asterisk (cerebellar astrocytomas), and multiple tumors yellowish stellate morphology
(Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma) and some cases of ependymal tumors (Ependymoma), and tumors of neural epithelium of fetal deformity (Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial), and glial tumors Streptococcus (Gangliogliomas), and some tumors meningitidis (Meningiomas), cranial and pharyngeal tumors (craniopharyngiomas), In addition to some species of lower degrees of other glial tumors.

While on the other hand it is possible to achieve healing work with the solo surgical oncology leachate, such as primitives glial tumors (glioblastomas) or tumors asterisk distorted cells (anaplastic astrocytomas), but the surgery in return helps to reduce the size of the tumor mass, which increases the effectiveness of radiation treatments and chemotherapy.

In addition to the help of surgery to alleviate some of the symptoms and effects of brain tumors, especially symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, including headache, nausea and vomiting, and disruption of consideration, as that surgery helps relieve the symptoms of epilepsy when their presence the patient, which can control the seizures better drug treatments.

And surgical operations usual in some cases of tumors of the brain known as the surgery turn the cerebrospinal fluid (shunt surgery), where the presence of any obstruction to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to increase the pressure inside the skull, which in turn leads to the emergence of many of the symptoms listed above, but and may lead to permanent damage to the brain, and in order to have fled cerebrospinal fluid accumulated, the neurosurgeon the installation and connection is made from tube born a relay (shunt) is grown one end Battin brain that contains cerebrospinal fluid, and are installed the other end cavity abdominal usually , or in some cases, heart, and going through this tube under the skin of the head through the neck and chest, and can be used temporarily or remain permanently, and may be carried out such operations before direct surgery will eradicate tumors or after its completion.

Turn of the cerebrospinal fluid

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is the treatment using the different applications of ionizing radiation (ionizing radiation), to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors, both using the elements and isotopes, or by using a stream of radiation revived and high-energy, x-rays, or radiation such as gamma rays, or stream neutrons or protons, and the effectiveness of the radiation is concentrated in its ability to undermine and break up the DNA of tumor cells, and is a vital and fundamental article of the various cellular functions, leading to elimination.

And radiation therapy is topical treatment, and is divided into two types; internal (Internal), radioactive elements are grown directly into the tumor tissue, or close to it, either temporarily or permanently, and external radiation (external), where the broadcast radiation from the machine shed X-inflammatory on the positions of the tumors, and may be used both types to treat some types of solid tumors, while the use of external radiation only in brain tumors, and (if the internal radiation, using Capillary tubes minutes for the delivery of radioactive elements within the tumor mass or close to it is still under study), and of course, and to avoid the effects of radiation, is to take preventive measures during radiation therapy, to protect tissues and organs natural sound field processing, is also keen doctors to direct high radiation doses to the tumor mass, while avoiding to be exposed brain tissue surrounding healthy position the tumor to large amounts of radiation as possible.

And may be the use of radiation therapy alone, treatment only, or jointly with treatments other tumors, and may use a substitute for surgery as initial therapy, when some solid tumors, may also be used by the direct action surgical known as the treatment initial Assistant (neoadjuvant therapy), order to reduce the size of the tumor; to facilitate the eradication, or is used after excision surgery as a treatment additive (adjuvant therapy); in order to eliminate any tumor cells is characteristic may be outstanding.

And radiation treatment complications and side effects associated with, linked to the overall placement processor of the body, and result in general from affected cells and tissues rapid growth and replacement, and from these effects: complications of skin and skin, and fatigue, and infections and dry mouth, and hair loss, nausea, intestinal problems, and thwart the bone marrow, and is taking some preventive measures and support, and taking medication assistance; to avoid such effects and to alleviate it, and on the other hand there are complications later appear in the long run, the most important of the risk of developing secondary tumors (and if a small percentage), and delayed physical growth, natural and delayed cognitive development and knowledge, and to avoid late complications such as these very young children to ensure treatment plans for most types of tumors to avoid its use whenever possible.

And used to be delayed radiotherapy for brain tumors in children age less than three years, in order to avoid the emergence of late complications on cognitive development, and may be direct chemotherapy, both for delaying radiation therapy, or to reduce the dosage or to avoid it altogether, and that, as the case , and of course should be balanced such as delay and seriousness of the disease and recurrence of tumor growth.

On the other hand may be exposed children who received high radiation doses and to large areas of the head of the major changes the functions of the brain, and symptoms include the appearance changes in personality and mood, and poor or partial loss of memory, and seizures and slow physical growth, and some other symptoms treated by placement of the brain, and may sometimes be difficult to determine whether such symptoms are caused by the tumor itself or the surgery or radiation therapy or the result of all of these reasons.

While and has traditionally been radiation therapy to the entire brain and spinal cord that showed tests MRI magnetic or lumbar puncture and a transmission of the tumor along the ascension of the cerebrospinal fluid and some surfaces, meningitis, and know such irradiation Aljmb sclerae (craniospinal radiation), and is used especially in some tumors that are usually transmitted to the cerebrospinal fluid, such as tumors and spinal tumors priorities dermis initial neurological phenomenon (Primitive neuroectodermal).

It should be noted that the ionizing radiation is of greater potency against cells rapidly growing, and as a result of this property affects effectively the cells of brain tumors in degrees higher than its effect on tumors in degrees lower, and for example, can heal radiation therapy at more than half of the tumors primate spinal, and almost in all cases of tumors Jerthmah (germinomas) cells, reproductive, and unfortunately it is not possible to cure most of the brain tumors with radiation, but in turn can control the tumors sometimes radiation therapy when there are remnants of tissue tumor after surgery, especially in stellate tumors and tumors of glial cells, few Alngsn and ependymal tumors.

It is worth mentioning that during periods ranging from four to eight weeks after the sessions of radiation therapy to the brain, resulting in some children what is known as the phenomenon of lethargy associated with radiation (radiation somnolence syndrome), which can be clearly distinguished by the large number of drowsiness, and idle motor (lethargy) , and low levels of activity and energy, in addition to the loss of appetite, and fever, and bouts of irritability and ease of excitement and nervous tension, and usually ends symptoms within a few weeks and may be useful sometimes use steroids in the mitigation of them, should also be be noted that in about five percent of cases arise viewer knows Baltnkr radiation (radiation necrosis) and that after several months or years after treatment radiation to brain tumors, and arise from the mass of swollen tissue and dead cells, both Almtsrtunh or natural field treatment, and of course, is not such a mass return of the seriousness of tumor growth again, and the usual surgically removed.

(Please go to a page that radiation therapy to see more details about this treatment and methods of administration).


Chemotherapy is the treatment using special drugs known drug chemical anti-cancer, the elimination of cancer cells and destroy them, and so disrupt and undermine the coordinated biological processes within them, and come the main advantage of this treatment in his ability to deal with tumors of mobile and deployed, whereas the radiation therapy or work on the surgical treatment of specific placements administration, confined tumors, its effectiveness and unique due to the fact that cancer cells, in a way, is more sensitive and more susceptible to chemicals than normal cells. And may be used as a treatment only in some cases, or part of a treatment program integrated includes several treatments in common, and decision-making by using this treatment, the balance between effectiveness and side effects and complications of the future, and between the seriousness of cancer, and of course Vamadaafath and its acceptable compared to the same disease, in addition to the positive therapeutic yield significantly.

And may be called the chemotherapy treatment systemically (systemic); due to movement of drugs, chemicals via the blood to all parts of the body, and its ability to destroy cancer cells wherever notified, and may be used before the direct surgeries when solid tumors to prepare them, and in order to facilitate; Bhzareth and shrink the tumor, what is known as chemotherapy Initial Assistant (Neoadjuvant), may also be used after surgery and eradication of the tumor; to eliminate any cells of a tumor is characteristic may be outstanding, and help avoid the return of cancer, what is known as chemotherapy additive (adjuvant) .

And be dealt with chemotherapy drugs in ways and different channels, some of which are taken orally in the form of tablets or capsules or liquids, and most of the body is injected, the injection of different ways: by intravenous injection, intramuscular injection, injection into an artery or a major injection topically directly under the skin, and if intravenous is the most widely used method, and may use other means to assist in the injection, such as catheters (catheters), which is implanted usually chest and can be used for long periods, and is injected drugs directly into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain, known as the NA injection, and is usually done by injection through the bottom of the lumbar spine, or via a special catheter is grown under the scalp known as portfolio Omaya (Ommaya reservoir).

And treatment programs consist of several repeated cycles separated by periods of convalescence, and the patient may receive during each session, a combination of several common chemical drugs, or are limited to one drug, by type of tumor and the planned therapeutic approach in each case. And in general is the use of chemotherapy during the time periods prolonged to reduce how much the cancer cells gradually, to the extent that enable the immune system control of any growth and throw, in addition to that space of time between doses are placed in order to achieve the greatest effect on cancer cells, and At the same time give sufficient time to allow cells and tissue normal to recover from the effect of drugs, chemicals, because of the types of drugs, the different effects of varying degrees on the cells and organs of natural sound, especially the cells and tissues rapid growth and heavy reproduction and a permanent replacement, such as bone marrow cells, and blood cells, and cells and tissues of the digestive system, in addition to some vital organs like the liver and kidneys, which in turn leads to complications side effects, which vary in intensity and quality of the drug to another and from one person to another, and of course of treatment to another even for the same person, and depend mainly on the type and dose of the drug user and the interaction of the body about it, and these effects are multiple; include frustration bone marrow (and thus decrease blood cell count), and complications of the mouth and gums (such as inflammation and ulceration, and drought ), and hair loss temporary, constipation, diarrhea, and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and feel the skin and skin, and usually take drugs to help and take some preventive measures and support; to avoid such effects and to prevent them and to alleviate it, before and during treatment sessions and after termination.

And there are many drugs used in the chemical treatment plans for brain tumors, either alone or in combinations in common, including: Saakulovosvamaid drug (cyclophosphamide), and cisplatin (cisplatin), and vincristine (vincristine), and carboplatin
(Carboplatin), and Aitoboseid (etoposide), and Mylvalan (melphalan), and Tauteba (Thiotepa), and drug carmustine
(Carmustine), and to Omstan (Lomustine)

It should be noted that the habitual use of chemotherapy in brain tumors in degrees higher only, and are some types of tumors, such as tumors priorities spinal more responsive to drugs, chemicals than others, and as noted above may be used chemotherapy by direct surgeries and radiation therapy or Following the completion of them, and on the other, and radiation treatments other than drugs can be given to chemicals for children of all ages and are less than age three.

On the other hand there are processors other medication is not within the chemotherapy drugs and used in brain tumors, including some compounds similar steroids, such as drug dexamethasone (dexamethasone), which is used to relieve inflation emerging on most tumors of the brain, which helps to alleviate headaches and some other symptoms, in addition to drugs for the treatment of seizures, such as real estate Daaffinel Hidnton (diphenylhydantoin) and known as Delantin (Dilantin).

It is worth mentioning that Balaaadh hormonal treatments may become necessary when the emergence of damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, or proximity, resulting in shortage of rates of certain hormones, whether the effects of tumors, either directly or because of surgical and radiation treatments, and in order to compensate and correct the body's hormonal deficit .

(Please go to chemotherapy, to view more details about this treatment and methods of its management and its complications).

About treatment plans by types of brain tumors and spinal cord

Tumors leachate asterisk low-grade (Low-grade astrocytomas)

Impossible to cure such tumors to work surgical solo, because Archahaa to the tissues of the brain proper, and generally begin treatment plans remove the largest number of tissue from the tumor surgically and then start radiation therapy, but it used to be sufficient to work the surgical only in tumors low-grade, and the anticipation waiting for the show marks the return of tumor growth, and for children below the age of three and if you can not remove the tumor or returned to the growth of a second after the removal, recommends treatment plans standard should postpone radiation therapy and begin chemotherapy and until their progress in life more, so that they can use radiation treatments, and in this regard, according to medical studies that radiation affects the same efficiency on tissue tumors, both stellar grades from the top or bottom.

Tumors asterisk leachate High Class (High-grade astrocytomas)

Such as tumors priorities gliomas (glioblastomas) or tumors asterisk distorted cells (anaplastic astrocytomas), and as is the case with tumors in degrees lower, it is impossible to cure these tumors work surgery alone, and than usual to start treatment plans to work the surgical removal of as much as possible of tissue tumor and then start radiation therapy is usually followed by chemotherapy, while in children under the age of three years, is to start chemotherapy immediately after surgery and until they reach an older age, allowing to receive radiation treatments.

Tumors asterisk is leachate

Tumors, which include young stellar poetry (juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas), which often arise Palmkhikh in children, and tumor cells as a huge asterisk under the lining (subependymal giant cell astrocytomas), which are linked in most cases, the situation inherited tuberculoid sclerosis (tuberous sclerosis), this tumors are curable work surgery alone in most cases, while the call is sometimes receive treatment radiation when you can not complete removal of the tumor, and on the other hand become even more difficult to achieve full recovery when the concentration of tumor astrocytes poetry placements minutes so can not be removed completely with surgery, such as concentration Balouta or trunk the brain.

Tumors of glial cells, few Alngsn (oligodendroglioma)

Impossible to cure these tumors is surgical leachate to work alone, with surgery to alleviate symptoms associated in most cases, and from the habitual use of chemotherapy after the surgery or radiation therapy.

Ependymal tumors (Ependymoma)

And of tumors of the priorities of ependymal (ependymoblastomas), and which, as noted above does not leach in most cases, as do the tumors asterisk, and can be processed to work surgical solo, and the usual recommendation to use radiation therapy to avoid a return to growth tumor, and may be used chemotherapy in some cases, especially the priorities of ependymal tumors.

Electrode optic glial tumors (Optic nerve gliomas)

And are these tumors, in particular impossible removal work surgical, where the position is not available for surgery and is difficult for the surgeon to access it, as they are based nerves leading to the eye and may lose the child eyesight College when removed, and therefore prefer the direct radiation treatment despite the its effects on vision, in turn, and, of course, is the use of chemotherapy instead of radiation in young children.

Trunk of glial brain tumors (Brain stem gliomas)

Like gliomas nerve optic, it is not possible to remove the tumor glial trunk of the brain that were not confined entirely Bmoadaha, but it used to be leached through the tissues of the brain stem, and because this part of the vital and essential to the life of the body, can not be the neurosurgeon to remove these tumors, such as leachate, and the usual treatment of radiation therapy only, and may be added to chemotherapy in some cases.

Primary tumors (Primitive tumors)

Including tumors of the dermis initial neurological phenomenon (Primitive neuroectodermal tumors) Btafratha, priorities and spinal tumors (Medulloblastomas) and the priorities of pineal tumors (pineoblastomas), and tumors of neural primitives
(Neuroblastomas), these types of fast-growing tumors are processed traditionally work directly followed by surgical radiation treatments, which are for the entire brain and spinal cord, not only for the position of the tumor, which shows the transition of these tumors in most cases, the cerebrospinal fluid.

And from the habitual use of chemotherapy in addition to radiation when the need for lower doses of radiation, is that when a transition is room for cancerous cells are given standard doses of radiotherapy in all cases, and of course, is used chemotherapy alternative treatments radiation after surgery in children under three years old, and on the other hand is used traditionally to treat recurrent tumors.

Meningeal tumors (Meningiomas)

Can often heal the sick children when tumors membranes meningitis to be able to remove the entire tumor tissue surgically, and the contrast can not be completely surgically removed tumor for some people, especially when positioning base of the brain tumor, or when you return Almtsrtunh types of these tumors completely removed after a second processors in the primary and from the habitual use of radiation therapy to address the remnants of tumors that can not be removed completely with surgery, and to prevent the growth of a second, is also used in the return of such tumors after surgery, and it should be noted that the treatment or chemical treatment of hormonal still under consideration for these tumors and did not show effective results.

Schwann cell tumors (Schwannomas)

And are as noted above benign tumors in most cases can be cured and surgical work alone, while of course it requires the use of radiation therapy to the types of Almtsrtunh after surgery.

Tumors of the spinal cord

Treated spinal cord tumors in the same patterns of those brain, where tumors can be treated meningiomas surgical solo work, as well as in some ependymal tumors of the spinal cord, while when you can not totally remove the tumors surgically lining is used immediately after radiation therapy, and on the other impossible to remove tumors surgically asterisk spinal cord completely, and is starting radiation treatments after the draw biopsies directly.

Choroid plexus tumors (Choroid plexus tumors)

In most cases can be cured papillomas offices (choroid plexus papillomas) work surgical solo, while this is not possible in many cases of cancer tissue of the braids choroid (choroid plexus carcinomas) malignant, and which is processed typically are treated with radiation or chemotherapy or a combination of joint of both.

Phagocytic cranial tumors (craniopharyngiomas)

And these tumors can be treated in most cases, the surgical act followed by radiation therapy, and it should be noted that a conservative surgery to remove part of the tumor followed by radiation therapy causes less side effects of surgery, total eradication.

Tumors of the reproductive cells (Germ cell tumors)

Possible to achieve effective treatment using radiation therapy alone in Jerthmah tumors (germinoma), and are the most common tumors in the germ cells, while this is not possible in the same class in other species with either mixed or separate Jerthmah tumors, which are processed usually combinations of common treatments radiation and chemotherapy, and may be required in some children the use radiation treatments for brain and spinal cord together when there is transmission of such tumors into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Processors after the end of brain tumors and spinal cord

Necessary to conduct tests periodically comprehensive last for several years after the end of treatments, in order to investigate any signs of tumor recurrence, as well as to monitor complications and side effects of different treatments received, whether immediate or delayed, which may appear years later (please go to a page of late complications of treatments for tumors For more details), and include these tests in addition to clinical examination league, laboratory tests and imaging studies and X-rays of different, especially for the position of the emergence of the original tumor, and are made scheduling a specific time by considerations specific to each individual case, and the fact that, while for for most children, the real battle to regain their physical and mental natural starting after the end of treatments of tumors, and it should be noted that the brain tissue of children able to recover and compensate much larger than adults, and can show the damage caused by the tumor and complications of treatments received during the time shortly after the end of treatment the primary and recovery of children, and if that might be delayed slightly in young children age under three, and there are many, which is necessary in medical procedures and tests and treatments mission to help achieve the best results for recovery of these children, and help them progress toward full recovery.

And initially is to perform various imaging studies after the treatments to investigate the extent of changes tissue brain, and their positions, and then made periodically to investigate the extent of the return of growth tumor the first place, and at the same time is displayed the child to specialists in several areas to assess the case and provide the necessary treatment when necessary, and in general can be summarized in such actions in the following points:

Examination of the child by a specialist nerves, to evaluate the neurological function and balance motor, and the ability of muscles and their vulnerability, especially that suffered the child types of paralysis or muscular weakness, and on the other hand shall be specialists treatments of natural and re-qualification examination of the child and provide treatment appropriate.

May be displayed on the child specialist to address the capacity to talk and connect the damaged center and capacity to speak the language of words and the brain, in order to help the child improve the ability to communicate and communicate.

Should of course tests for the eyes and audio capabilities by ophthalmologists and ear, and that was to identify any complications of vision or hearing, may be required to include child's educational and therapeutic classes of problems, visual and audio, for rehabilitation.

From the usual examination of the child by a specialist psychiatric and neurological after diagnosis and before the direct processors tumors are slow-growing, to assess the extent of the damage caused by the effects of these tumors, and continue such tests periodically during treatment and after its completion, (following the surgery and after receiving any two treatments of radiation and chemotherapy), and also after the recovery of the child and the stability of the case, (usually after the passage of three to four months), and the psychiatrist during these tests assess the child's development and cognitive growth and knowledge of several aspects, such as mental capacity and intelligence year and information processing speed, and the capacity of hearing and speech, and memory and learning skills, and of course should be made of these tests prior to enrollment of children in school, where coordination is required between the teachers and specialists, social work and the medical team to see the circumstances of the child health periodically and to help provide appropriate educational climate for his condition.

There is always the possibility of a shortfall and a lack of hormone secretion of the pituitary gland at the emergence of tumors base the brain, or when you receive treatments radiation in this position, and in some cases may appear like this deficit is clearly a result of growth of the tumor at diagnosis, which requires examination of the child by a specialist glands endocrine Before starting treatments, and traditionally is performed tests and endocrine six months after the end of the treatment radiation, in order to assess the extent of the deficit hormonal, and follow-up and the pace of natural growth, and the problems of puberty, whether early or late, and it should be noted the presence of other symptoms appear When you hit the pituitary gland, such as constant fatigue and passivity, and lack of appetite, and to feel the cold, and constipation, which may all point to lower levels of certain hormones, such as thyroid hormone or adrenal hormones, and of course may be necessary to receive treatments Alaaadh hormonal balance deficit and lack of hormone secretion.

Needless to say, it is very important in all cases to be notified of the medical team in the case when the appearance of any symptoms or complications of a new, which may indicate the occurrence of relapse and a return to growth tumor, or indicate the presence of complications and side effects of treatments received, so can be taken for medical procedures early.
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