Tumor priorities of the retina (Retinoblastoma) and is sometimes called tumor Jveat retina, is a tumor arising from precancerous primary cells of the retina (retinoblasts), consisting of tissues of the retina, nervous tissue slave located back of the eyeball, which the sense of visible light and composition of visual images.
And is composed of the eye ball Mkorh filled with a gel called wet glass, cover the eye and consists of three layers, the inner layer of the retina, followed by the middle class and then of Foreign Affairs and is a solid, comes the cornea at the front and solid layer is wrapped and iris opened the central retina consists of millions of light-sensitive cells, and is working on the translation of light falling on the eye to the sialate nervous, transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain, and it should be noted that the eyes formed in the early stages of embryo stages, and are the primary cells
Installation of the eye
Of the retina (or stem cells, retina) of the most types of cells in the body faster growth, a mature growth stages, the final of the retinal cells mature and specialized, and when the emergence of carcinogenesis and abnormal growth of these cells consists of a tumor may fill each eyeball, and may move some tumor cells through the glass to settle in other parts of the eye is composed of more tumors, and while blocking channels of these tumors arise bug eye fluids blue water of any glaucoma (Glaucoma), which lead to the loss of the affected eye early.
The tumor network of more tumors eyes common among children and rare emergence of other types of cancer eye to them, and represents about 3% of all tumors of children, and usually appears age before the four years (average age around two years), and affects males and female rates are similar, and used to be concentrated in the affected eye at diagnosis, without moving to the surrounding tissue, and at about a quarter of cases arise in both eyes and is called in this case, bilateral tumor or double (bilateral), while the so-called Mounferd or unilateral (unilateral ) when it arises in one eye, and it is very rare that this tumor appears in adults.
And are diagnosed with this tumor in most cases, before moving outside the eyeball, but the cells may move to other parts of the body, of course, like other cancers, as can cells be transmitted growing tumor along the optic nerve to reach the brain, they may also penetrate the layers of the eyeball up to the socket of the eye or eyelids and adjacent tissues, and in this case may Tenbt tumor cells to lymph nodes or adjacent to vital organs or internal to the bone, to be secondary tumors.
And there are two categories of tumors of the retina, genetic and non-genetic, and shows the genotype at about 40% of the cases, and the usual discovery of the first year of life, and may arise with one or both eyes, but that the tumor should always be considered as genetically, while established eyes together, while the non-hereditary in most cases, while there is one eye, and because of genetic factors should always conduct periodic examinations of all members of the family of the patient, including laboratory analysis of the characteristics of genes.
And suggest medical statistics that when the proportion ranging from 70 to 75% of cases the tumor is unilateral, of which between 15 to 20% genetic, while the rest random (Sporadic) any non-genetic, while at about 25% of the cases the tumor is bilateral and inherited, and at about 15% of the tumor is unilateral and heritage, while at about 60% of cases the tumor is unilateral and is not inherited.
About risk factors for the emergence of tumors of the retina
The term risk factors (Risk factors) to the factors and conditions that increase the likelihood of vulnerability to any disease, such as cancer, when any person, and there are risk factors for each type of tumor, and may include risk factors and genetic any associated characteristics of genes, in addition to factors linked to the environment or lifestyle and living conditions, and although the factors on the pattern of living, such as smoking and poor nutrition or alcohol abuse are important factors in many of the tumors in adults, but its impact is none or very weak when dealing with tumors of children, and with respect to factors dangerous for the environment, not clear to researchers of any link between the emergence of tumors of the priorities of the retina and between environmental factors either before or after the birth, such as exposure to toxic chemicals or contamination of water and air, also did not prove the existence of any link to other conditions, such as the use of X-rays during pregnancy, or eating different types of drugs.
Genetic risk factors and genetic ills
Found to scientists for decades, that man may inherit some of the changes and imbalances blades genetic DNA of the cells, which in turn cause disease spread in the family-specific, and perhaps the tumor retina of the most tumors that arise from the damaging characteristics of the gene is, inherit from one parent, and there is a percentage of high risk of evolution to the birth when there is a history of pathological family, which calls for thorough examinations of the eyes to track the emergence and throw the stages of early and schedule a time to start immediately after birth and when they reach the second month, then periodically during each two months to reach the second year, then every four months to reach the third year, and to point out that most of the genetic tumors are usually discovered during a few months after birth, and we will discuss in the following paragraph to the type of DNA inherited defects, which increase the likelihood of the emergence of the genetic type of this tumor.
About the emergence of tumors of the priorities of the retina
We need to understand how the emergence of cancer cells, knowledge of some basic information about the genetic characteristics and genes (genes), Valmorth is a part of the DNA Alrebonowi (deoxyribonucleic acid DNA) carries the characteristics of specific genetic and has a vital function specific, and an example set of genes color of the eyes and skin , or blood group, and this acid is a chemical that carries instructions for the system and the life cycle of cells, and the control of all its activities, and is the type of changes anomalies in the DNA of the genes influencing factor in determining the type of disease that may affect humans, and genes are parts of chromosomes (chromosomes), which can be likened to a band of linear DNA super length, containing thousands of genes lined end to end, and the DNA is organized strictly in the 23 pairs of chromosomes, inherits half of each pair from one parent.
And there are multiple types and so many of the genes, and each of them vital functions and characteristics of specific genetic, and contains some of the types of instructions and codes of genetic control in the mechanism of growth and division, and thus replication and reproduction for the production of new cells, and from these genes of certain urges and modify operations cell division, called idiomatically genes tumor (oncogenes), and genes other slow and inhibit the division and reproduction, or give instructions to the annihilation of the self-cell, when needed, and called genes inhibiting the swelling (Tumor suppressor genes).
And other words, the cells multiply and divide and grow under the guidance of the program is encrypted Bhamadha nuclear, and receive a signal to stop at a certain point where the available amount desired of cells, depends divide and multiply, and run programs next directed the cells to produce proteins necessary for the cells become very and specialized able to carry out the tasks entrusted to it, ie, that the system of division, growth and employment, stops and starts and is active as a sequential staggered, and free of errors to produce normal cells intact, and there are many ways to block and district progress of this system systematically, for example, If there is a lack of stop sign and did not work for some reason, continue to the cells to divide and multiply unchecked and the mass of abnormal enlarged, or when a failure in the work of genes inhibiting the swelling, which produces a certain protein is responsible for the arrest of the cell when there is damage to DNA , either to fix bugs or to exterminate self when you can not reform, when not working this protein for some reason, continue to cells with damaged DNA in the division, and production of new cells, causing more damage in genes other, which control the growth and development of cells and ends is the emergence of cancer.
On the other hand may inherit one some of the changes the anomalous (or defects), DNA from his parents, which explains the appearance of some illnesses are common in some families, and called these changes Balthorat or changes the root of the structure (mutations), which also arise for reasons incomprehensible and unjustified imbalance just like the other images that affect this acid, which can be summarized in the following points:
Distraction of the chromosomes and the exchange sites (Translocation) between the two parts of the DNA, that is, a section of DNA Besbga a homeless HOS Besbga different and asymmetric with him, leading to rearrange programs encoded DNA of the cell with the stability of error and system crashes, context-oriented for the different stages, and this imbalance in particular is responsible for the emergence of some types of tumors of children, such as the Ewing's tumors and some types of leukemia.
Reflection or the coup (inversion), which means that part of the chromosome is inverted, and overlay in reflected light it is still linked to the same chromosome.
Addendum (addition), any part of the chromosome is (or the entire chromosome) has doubled, and found many copies of it to the cell.
Loss or erasure (deletion) of some of the clips Besbga specific DNA.
And from here can Ttsrtun normal cells in the event of any of the mentioned types of imbalance structure of DNA (ie, mutations or abnormal structure of chromosomes fugue or a reversal or erasure or addition), which in turn paid (directly or indirectly) to run without tumor gene controls (which lose the ability to control cell growth and reproduction), or invalidate the work of genes inhibiting the swelling, and end up with the emergence of a cancerous tumor, and it is important to know that, and except for genetic disorders that increase the level of risk for the emergence of some tumors, the scientists know and confirmed the real reasons that lead to an imbalance types of DNA, (which trigger or trigger) and that lead to carcinogenesis of normal cells and tumor.
In terms of tumors priorities of the retina, according to medical studies that carcinogenesis originates cell primary when there are changes in abnormal structure of the gene suppressor of swelling called RPG 1 (RB1 tumor suppressor gene) resides Babbga XIII, and does not happen carcinogenesis only after the injury of this gene Bachtlalin consecutive working together to frustration which leads to abnormal growth of cells, and the imbalance I inherited from a parent Kaaab congenital Palmorth when cases of tumors, genetic, and is acquired defect II during the stages of growth and development of the retina, while at the tumor's genetic arise defects stages of growth of the retina Kawared acquired , and it should be noted that the same imbalances of this gene with other types of cancer, including tumors Algarnih bone (osteosarcoma) and breast cancer, and should be investigated for the presence of such heritage which once analyzes the DNA of blood cells.
And according to some studies that the tumor Jveat retina appears in about 80% of children who inherit this imbalance, and when 10% of them develop a brain tumor often arises in the pineal gland (pineal gland), and defines such a case, the priorities of retinal tumor triple (trilateral retinoblastoma).
On the other hand there are no imbalances and heredity are known in cases of tumors is genetic due to the emergence of carcinogenesis, and are imbalances gene (RPM) model, and acquired after birth and during the period of life, and not before inheritance, and there is no any evidence to the reasons they occur, and perhaps result from a random errors during the reproduction and cell division, where in each time preparing the cell to divide into two cells two new, you are making a copy of the DNA, and this process is sometimes not perfect and the mistakes in copying, and despite the presence of several enzymes that specializes in auditing and auditor and then the patch, but some errors may sometimes pass through, where, and before you can fix the imbalance of the cell, can be formed new cells divide and take the turn with the stability of the imbalance and may be too late to reform and change Help in controlling growth and division are final.
About the symptoms and diagnosis
The appearance of the eyes is natural from the first and the usual early symptoms, in addition to the emergence of a condition called white pupil
(Leukokoria) or a reflection of cat's eye (cat's eye reflex), where when you ask a bright light appears the color of the pupil tilted to the whites than the red color of natural (where the color changes of light because of the blood in blood vessels in the back of the eye), and of the early symptoms are also the emergence of something of squint eyes, and controlling the movement, muscle weakness, and the less common symptoms include eye pain and redness, and not reduced pupil when exposed to bright light.
When you see the symptoms that can be attributed to the priorities of retinal tumor and distrust of his presence, the doctor perform a series of tests and laboratory tests, and take pictures of different photographic and radiological; x-rays of the ray, and X-ray CT (Computed tomography scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (Magnetic resonance imaging using radio waves, magnetic to put multiple images of the head), to identify the various aspects of the tumor accurately, and to verify the extent of its impact on the bones of the skull, in addition to the withdrawal of a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain, a lumbar puncture, to verify the extent of region of the brain tumor cells and the optical electrode, and connecting nerves between the eye and brain, as well as to explore the bone marrow; Bsaft sample to investigate the extent of the tumor cells through the blood circulation to the bone marrow.
(Please go to a page that tests and laboratory tests for more details).
On the classification of tumors of the retina Jveat
When diagnosing a tumor is further analysis and tests to determine the size of the tumor and its properties vital, and verify the transfer to the surrounding tissue or to any other sites, and through all the data is to classify the progress of the tumor (Staging), and the necessary course select this category in order to arrange a plan appropriate treatment, and to predict Palmrdod therapeutic expected, and there are a number of systems certified for the classification of tumor Jveat retina, which aimed to take in all aspects, and the usual classified generally into two types: tumor intraocular and extraocular, in addition to recurrent tumor.
And then classified according to the system Reyes Ellsworth (Reese-Ellsworth staging system) for the classification of eye administration, confined tumors, and classified according to the system Jwood St. (St. Jude's staging system) which includes the classification of tumors in transition.
Tumors within the eyeball (intraocular)
This category include cases where the tumor is located in one eye or both eyes, but it does not extend further, either to the tissue surrounding the eye, or to other parts of the body.
Tumors outside the eyeball (extraocular)
With this classification the tumor extends outside of the eye, and may be limited to the tissue surrounding the eye, or moving elsewhere to the body, and medical statistics indicate that when the proportion ranging from 10 to 20% of cases, moving the tumor at diagnosis.
Recurrent tumors (Recurrent)
This classification means that the tumor had returned, and a back or too far after receiving treatment, and could be back where he started in the same eye, or tissue surrounding the eye, or back position last body.
Ellsworth classification system Reyes
This system is used to classify cases according to the possibility of conservation to consider when treating the tumor effectively, in addition to controlling the tumor itself, of course, depending on the number of tumors arising eye and the size and positions of concentration, and point out that are classified as tumors of this system to a promising and is promising according to the possibilities of treatment while maintaining the consideration (and not the cure rates of cancer itself).
And to determine the sizes of tumors is used to measure the relative unity of a private eye tumors, called diameter disk (disk diameter DD)
And stands usually have a letter qaf, and that because they can not determine the block size tumors using the standard metric normal when you use a telescope Almaaan (ophthalmoscope) to examine the retina, so it measures the doctors tumor size compared to disk-visual, which shows the spot round the back of the eye position connect the retina with the nerve visual and has a diameter of about 1.5 millimeters, and for example, described the tumor size estimated by three times the size of the optical disk, that is of size 3 s, ie, a diameter of three optical discs (3 disk diameters), and of about 4.5 millimeters, and use the expression line the middle (equator), or the equator, and is the imaginary dividing line between the front and rear halves of the eyeball.
And there are five groups of cases of tumors of the retina in this category:
Group 1, very promising (Very Favorable)
This group include any of the following cases:
The presence of a tumor and one size less than 4 s, located at the halfway line or behind it.
There are several tumors the size of less than 4 s, all located at the halfway line or behind it.
Group 2, and promising (Favorable)
And this group included the following cases:
The presence of a tumor and one range in size from 4 to 10 s, located at the halfway line or behind it.
There are multiple tumors, ranging in size from 4 to 10 s, all located at the halfway line or behind it.
Group 3, is not guaranteed (Doubtful)
Any of the following cases in this group include:
Any tumors found the front half of the halfway line.
The presence of a tumor larger than about 10 s and is located behind the halfway line.
Group 4, is promising (Unfavorable)
And this group included the following cases:
There are multiple tumors increases the size of each of 10 BC.
Any tumors extending towards the front of the eye on the front edge of the retina.
Group 5, is quite promising (Very Unfavorable)
And this group included the following cases:
The presence of tumors occupy more than half of the retina.
And a transmission of the tumor within the glass eye.
St. classification system Jwood
This system is used for the classification of tumors within the administration, confined area of the eye and transmitted abroad, and includes four degrees of progress:
Stage 1, tumors confined to the retina
This category include the following cases:
The presence of a tumor occupies a space no more than a quarter of the retina.
Tumors occupy no more than half the area of the retina.
Tumors occupy more than half the area of the retina.
Stage 2, tumors confined Palmqlh
This category include any of the following cases:
Tumors Menbth to the area of glass.
Tumors extended to the front of the optic nerve.
Tumors extended to the middle layer of the cover of the eye.
Tumors extended to the middle class and introduction to the optic nerve.
Tumors extended to the veins near the exporting of the eye.
Stage 3, localized tumors along the extraocular
And this classification include any of the following cases:
Tumors extend behind the edges of the optic nerve.
Tumors extending through the outer layer of the solid cover of the eye and surrounding tissue around the eye Bmahgr.
Tumors extending to the end of the membrane behind the optic nerve, including the subarachnoid membranes as the brain.
Tumors extend through the solid layer to the surrounding tissue Bmahgr the eye, and extends behind the end of the optic nerve, including the membrane site.
Phase 4, shifting the tumors to distant sites
And this classification include the following cases:
Tumors extend through the optic nerve to the brain or the presence of tumor cells and cerebrospinal fluid.
Shifting the secondary tumors to soft tissue or bone or other vital organs.
Shifting the tumors to the bone marrow.
On the treatment of tumors of the priorities of the retina
There are treatments for all cases of this type of tumor in children, and most of them are curable, and based treatment plans on several factors, including tumor size and extent of concentration, and whether it resides in one eye or both eyes, and the ability to see eye infected and extent of the tumor outside the eye area, and generally recover about 90% of sick children, and improve opportunities in the absence of transmission of the tumor outside the eye area, and of course this drops dramatically when there is a crossover tumors.
Treatment options include, of course, which aims to cure the patient and conservative to consider the extent possible, the surgery and the use of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, in addition to processing using optical techniques coagulation (photocoagulation), and cold therapy (cryotherapy), and heat treatment ( Thermotherapy).
In the event of the tumor with one eye than usual to grow the size of a relatively large before being diagnosed, and visibility is nil without hope of return, and in this case is to resort to the surgery as a safe and carrying out the process of extraction for the entire affected eye (enucleation), to get rid of the tumor completely, a process is complex and does not take more than one hour, and was appointed an industrial installation is identical to the other eye, usually after a lapse of 3 to 6 weeks.
While, the emergence of tumor eyes together is the use of the sail when the vision both of completely, and the growth of tumors significantly carries with it the risk of moving out of the eyes, and are these processes more means safer, and of course is not to resort to such an option when there is opportunity for the province to consider one eye or both and is used processors more conservative, such as chemotherapy or radiation, where it can shrink tumors when using these treatments and at the same time keep the level of vision the same or may improve over time, and in most cases can be tumor control and preservation to consider using topical treatments, such as optical coagulation and internal radiation therapy or freezing treatments.
(Please go to surgery to see more details on the surgical aspects of the work)
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is the treatment using the different applications of ionizing radiation (ionizing radiation), to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors, both using the elements and isotopes, or by using a stream of radiation, revived and high-energy, x-rays, or radiation such as gamma rays, or stream of neutrons or protons, and the effectiveness of the radiation is concentrated in its ability to undermine and break up the DNA of tumor cells, and is a vital and fundamental article of the various cellular functions, leading to elimination.
Radiation therapy is topical treatment, and is divided into two types; internal (Internal), radioactive elements are grown directly into the tumor tissue, or close to it, either temporarily or permanently, and external (external), where the broadcast radiation from the radiation machine shed the positions of the tumors, and both types are used when dealing with tumors Jveat the retina, and of course, and to avoid the effects of radiation, is to take preventive measures during radiation therapy, to protect tissues and organs natural sound field processing.
And may be the use of radiation therapy alone, treatment only, or jointly with treatments other tumors, and may use a substitute for surgery as initial therapy, when some solid tumors, may also be used by the direct action surgical known as the treatment initial Assistant (neoadjuvant therapy), order to reduce the size of the tumor; to facilitate the eradication, or is used after excision surgery as a treatment additive (adjuvant therapy); in order to eliminate any tumor cells is characteristic may be outstanding.
And, of course, for the treatment of radiation complications and side effects associated with, linked to the overall locus of treatment, and result in general from affected cells and tissues rapidly growing and replacement, and from these effects: complications of skin and skin, and fatigue, and infections and dry mouth, and hair loss, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, and thwart the bone marrow, and is taking some preventive measures and support, and taking medication assistance; to avoid such effects and to alleviate it.
(Please go to radiation therapy, to view more details).
Cryo-therapy (Cryotherapy)
Employing extremes of cold to destroy tumor cells, and using the probe is cooled to temperatures low, and then place it on the outer surface of the eyeball and close to the tumor, and usually require you to this process several times to be effective, and is performed under general anesthesia for the child, We point out that this type of treatment being the relatively small tumors, and is not used for cases of children with multiple tumors.
Baltkhther optical processing (Photocoagulation)
Using a type of laser to destroy tumor cells and blood vessels that fed; by the heat generated by the beam and the beam is directed through the pupil or by aspects of the eyeball, and the child is under general anesthesia of course.
Heat treatment (Thermotherapy)
In this type of processor is used infrared or microwave or ultrasound as a source of heat is directed towards the tumor, and is similar to treatment Baltkhther photosynthesis and is performed under general anesthesia for the child, and take the treatment session is less than ten minutes, usually for three sessions, interval duration month between each of them, and may use heat treatment as a treatment alone for some small tumors placements specific or shared with chemotherapy (and is called chemotherapy thermal chemothermotherapy) or with radiation therapy (and is called radiation therapy thermal thermoradiotherapy) which increases the effectiveness of these treatments, and Chemotherapy is especially useful heat of the occurrence of the tumor near the sensitive places such as the optic nerve.
Chemotherapy is the treatment using special drugs known drug chemical anti-cancer, the elimination of cancer cells and destroy them, and so disrupt and undermine the coordinated biological processes within them, and come the main advantage of this treatment in his ability to deal with tumors of mobile and deployed, whereas the radiation therapy or work on the surgical treatment of specific placements administration, confined tumors, its effectiveness and return premium to the fact that cancer cells, in a way, is more sensitive and more susceptible to chemicals than normal cells. And may be used as a treatment only in some cases, or part of a treatment program integrated includes several treatments in common, and decision-making by using this treatment, the balance between effectiveness and side effects and complications of the future, and between the seriousness of cancer, and of course Vamadaafath and its acceptable compared to the same disease, in addition to the positive therapeutic yield significantly.
And may be called the chemotherapy treatment systemically (systemic); due to movement of drugs, chemicals via the blood to all parts of the body, and its ability to destroy cancer cells wherever notified, and may be used before the direct surgeries when solid tumors preparation for her and in order to facilitate; Bhzareth and shrink the tumor, what is known as chemotherapy Initial Assistant (Neoadjuvant), may also be used after surgery and eradication of the tumor; to eliminate any cells of a tumor is characteristic may be outstanding, and help avoid the return of cancer, what is known as chemotherapy additive (adjuvant).
And be dealt with chemotherapy drugs in ways and different channels, some of which are taken orally in the form of tablets or capsules or liquids, and most of the body is injected, the injection of different ways: by intravenous injection, intramuscular injection, injection into an artery or a major injection topically directly under the skin, and if intravenous is the most widely used method, and may use other means to assist in the injection, such as catheters (catheters), which is implanted usually chest and can be used for long periods, and is injected drugs directly into the spinal fluid cerebrospinal surrounding the spinal cord and brain, known as the injection vaginalis, both to eliminate tumor cells, or to protect the central nervous system and brain, and is usually injected through the lumbar spine down the spine, or via a catheter especially planted under the scalp known as portfolio Omaya ( Ommaya reservoir).
And usually consist of treatment programs from several repeated cycles separated by periods of recovery, and may receive the patient during each session, a combination common in many medicines chemical, or are limited to one drug, by type of tumor and the planned therapeutic approach in each case, and in general are the use of chemotherapy during the time periods prolonged to reduce how much the cancer cells gradually, to the extent that it could when the immune system control of any growth and throw, in addition to that space of time between doses are placed in order to achieve the greatest effect on cancer cells, and at the same time give the sufficient to allow cells and tissue normal to recover from the effect of drugs, chemicals, since the types of drugs of different effects to varying degrees on the cells and organs of natural sound, especially the cells and tissues fast-growing and heavy reproduction and a permanent replacement, such as bone marrow cells and blood cells, and cells and tissues of the digestive system, in addition to some vital organs like the liver and kidneys, which in turn leads to complications side effects, which vary in intensity and quality of the drug to another and from one person to another, and of course of treatment to another even for the same person , and depend mainly on the type and dose of the drug user and the interaction of the body about it, and these multiple effects; frustration include bone marrow (and thus decrease blood cell count), and complications of the mouth and gums (such as inflammation and ulceration, and drought), and loss temporary hair, and constipation and diarrhea, and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and feel the skin and skin, and usually take drugs to help and take some preventive measures and support; to avoid such effects and to prevent them and to alleviate it, remedial courses before and during and after its completion.
And may use chemotherapy initially to shrink tumors, retinal small; to be treated with therapies other topical more effectively, such as coagulation photosynthesis, or cryotherapy, or radiation therapy procedure, and on the other hand, uses the chemotherapy traditionally when there is a transition of the tumor outside the eye, or when fear of the possibility of spread when the hypertrophied growth of room for an eye.
And habitual use of combinations of several drugs, chemical treatment plans, including the drug carboplatin (carboplatin) and cisplatin
(Cisplatin) and Fankerastsson (vincristine), and Aitoboseid (etoposide), and Saakulovosvamaid (cyclophosphamide),
And Dotxorobaisin (doxorubicin), and observed that the tumor of the retina sometimes tend to resist drugs, chemicals, where the tumors are shrinking transmitted after receiving the treatments, but they usually start to grow again during the periods not exceeding one year for a large proportion of cases.
(Please go to chemotherapy, to view more details about this treatment and methods of its management and its complications).
Jveat retinal tumor at diagnosis
Jveat retinal tumor at diagnosis
Jveat retinal tumor before surgery
After chemotherapy and before surgery
On the processors according to the classification tumor
As noted above based treatment plans on the classification of the progress of the situation in groups of diagnosis, any tumor size and extent of concentration, and its presence in one eye or both eyes, and the ability to vision, eye affected, and the extent of transmission of the tumor with placements outside the area of the eye.
In general, if the tumor into one, is a surgery to remove the affected eye when the tumor size significantly, there are no expectations for the possibility of maintaining the vision, while the use of treatments, topical external radiation, and coagulation photosynthesis, and cryotherapy, when small tumors where there is the possibility of the province to consider.
And that the tumor in both eyes, it may be surgery to remove the eye most affected, and the use of radiation therapy to the other eye, or the use of both eyes that are available to maintain the possibility to consider both.
And treatment plans can be summarized by the following circumstances:
Vision useful for an eye and can be saved: and in this case begin treatment with chemotherapy to shrink the tumor, and can subsequently use topical treatments such as radiation therapy or treatment cooling or coagulation photosynthesis, and can often maintain a helpful and, depending on the evolution of tumor growth.
Vision, eye or non-existent can not be saved: and in this case where there is a lack vision or eye tumor has grown significantly and there is no hope Bashvaúha conservative treatments, or any painful glaucoma, are resorting to surgery followed by extraction with the eye of the installation of industrial processes.
Transmission of cancer outside the eye: and in this case is the usual treatment consists of a combination between a common chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
The return of cancer, eye: and in this case it can control the cancer and conservation of whether the tumor is small using topical treatments such as radiation therapy (if not used before) or other treatments, and may be first start with chemotherapy in some cases, while If you can not maintain the consideration may be to resort to surgery, and in both cases can achieve good treatment as long as the tumor is confined to the eye.
The return of the cancer outside of the eye: and in this case is chemotherapy and radiation treatments of the best treatments, and can achieve good treatment is that it depends on the extent of the spread of cancer.
And the table below an overview of common treatments, as the case and the type of tumor:
Common type | tumor treatments |
Tumor single room with a lack of vision | Surgical enucleation of the eye |
A single small tumor with the vision of useful | Both types of radiation therapy that the child is aged over a year, chemotherapy treatment followed by cooling and coagulation light or one of them. |
Bilateral tumors, tumor appointed room and seeing no | Surgical extractions |
Bilateral tumors, eye tumors and multiple small low vision. | External radiation, chemotherapy treatment followed by cooling and coagulation light or one of them. |
Bilateral tumors, eye tumors are small and useful insight | External radiation, chemotherapy treatment followed by cooling and coagulation light or one of them. |
Eye with the blue water as a result of the presence of tumor | Surgical extractions |
Eye and a tumor does not respond to other treatments | Surgical extractions |
Unilateral or bilateral tumors spread to nearby tissues | External radiation therapy and chemotherapy |
Unilateral or bilateral tumors, with the transfer of the long-positions | External radiation therapy and chemotherapy |
In terms of returns, treatment, rates of healing of the five-year standard in children is generally about 90% in the absence of transmission of the tumor at the time of diagnosis, (indicates the rate of five-year recovery standard to the proportion of patients who live at least five years since diagnosed with cancer specific, and of course Many people recover fully and live much more, and this rate is usually used when the statistical indication of cancer), and when close to a 80% cure can be achieved and that the restoration of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment was used.
Recurrent tumors
It's very rare to come back and tumor relapse occurs, the excess over the child a period of five years after the treatments, and upon the return of the tumor treatment plans based primarily on the positions Tmrkzh, and extending the scope and extent of its development, the eye returned, and only a small size may be used surgery or radiation therapy, and returned the tumor outside the eye, treatment depends on several factors separately, as each case individually, and as places of return.
After the treatments
Necessary to conduct tests periodically comprehensive last for several years after the end of treatments, in order to investigate any signs of the return of tumors of the retina, in addition to the monitoring of complications and side effects of different treatments received, whether immediate or delayed, which may appear years later (please go to a page of late complications of treatments tumors to see more details), and from the usual when tumors unilateral processed surgery extraction that is performed tests to investigate the extent of the return of tumors district eyes, and on the extent of transmission of cancer to other sites, in addition to finding abnormal growth of bones and tissues Bmahgr surrounding the eye after surgery, and of course it is necessary to examine the sound eye periodically in anticipation of the emergence and growth of any throwing during the later periods, which will enable the early detection and treatment.
While at the cases in which conservative treatments have been processed without the conduct of the sail, both cases of unilateral or bilateral tumors, should be carried out extensive tests to ensure the destruction of tumor cells completely, and screening for early signs of the return of tumors, and investigate the effects of various treatments to consider.
It is very important, of course, notify the medical team in case of any symptoms or complications may appear, is to take the necessary medical procedures and to achieve effective treatment without delay, whether the late complications of treatment of the tumor or recurrent occurrence of relapse.