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Protein discovery may help in the treatment of lung cancer

Medical study revealed that a protein called E. M. B-1 may help in the treatment of cancerous tumors in the lung in patients who are not helped by Iressa.

The supervisor of the study, Dr. David Agus of the Center Cedars - Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles The results suggest that the E protein. M. B-1 is a vital indicator of the resistance to treatment Bjeevinep which is produced by AstraZeneca may be possible to identify patients who will not respond to the drug.

Agus explained that the knowledge of patients who can not respond to explore other treatment options soon, which means better use of this drug and treat more patients effectively.

The research team tested at Cedars - Sinai Medical mice suffered prostate cancer tumors to human tumors that proved responsive to Iressa, and then treated the mice until they and the effects of the drug resistant tumor and examined him, and found that the E protein. M. B-1 is active, especially in tumor resistance.

Scientists then examine samples of the real lung cancer patients treated with the drug, and concluded that patients who did not respond to the drug also had high levels of E protein. M. B-1.

Iressa made headlines in the media when it was first shown to cure patients with cancer, small cell lung, a disease that is probably always fatal.

Targeted drug Iressa influence the E protein. G. F. R. Which focuses on lung cancer and some other cancers, but it does not help actually only 11% of these patients, prompting consumer groups to withdraw from the market waiting for other more effective treatments are still under test.
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