New hope for people with leukemia
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The results of research conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania that the genetic modification allows the generation of cells of the "T" that protect the body from infection, inflammation, and attack cancerous tumors in advanced cases of leukemia, known scientifically as leukemia or lymphatic leukemia. These results were presented in the New England Medical Journal and the Journal of Medical Sciences at the same time, where the researchers said the new treatment has allowed to reduce the symptoms of the disease during the years when the two patients out of three patients who have undergone this experience and they suffer a cancer in an advanced stage. The third patient relapsed after four months, but the setback was lighter than usual. The researchers also pointed to the possibility of applying this method for other types such as lung cancer, ovarian and skin, but should first conduct further research. The principle of treatment Under the treatment, cells extracted "T" of the body of the patient and genetically modified by slow virus allowed to attack the cancer cells that all bear a certain protein, maintaining the bulk of the cells. As scientists have succeeded in modifying T cells in a manner that allows them to reproduce faster, and then introduced these cells in the bodies of patients who have previously undergone chemotherapy. Dr. Carl John Professor of Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania and the supervisor of the research that "In three weeks, was eliminated tumors effectively unparalleled previously described cells genetically modified" Balsvahat "pointing out that it spent nearly one kilogram of cancer cells when each patient. The disease, leukemia, lymphoma or acute leukemia, lymphoma acute illness and throw affects the tissue making blood bone marrow, where Ttsrtun primary cells that develop to produce lymphocytes white blood cells, and appear in large numbers in the bone marrow and blood as cells cancerous able to move, and this is the kind of The most common tumors of blood in children and more common types of tumors among them. Leukemia and a complex disease and forest types of multiple, different treatments and patients varies greatly depending on the type of disease and the various factors for each person. |