Non Hodgkin lymphoma
Lymphoma Allahoddgkin (Non Hodgkin's lymphoma), is a type of cancer nodes (lymphomas) that arise and develop in the tissues of the lymphatic system, one of the main components of the system immune to the body, which consists of tissues and cells of different and multiple functions, are integrated together as an integral part in the immune response, both in resistance to various infections, or destruction of some types of cancer cells.
It should be noted that the tumor is not fragmented Allahoddgkin for Hodgkin's tumor may also suggest the label, and but rather is a group of lymphomas that are similar in the mechanism of their formation and growth, and different from the Hodgkin's tumor, in both types of cells or microscopic appearance, or in behaviors and patterns of transmission of the positions its inception, or in a format to respond to the processors, and can say they are similar and are similar to tumors, leukemia, lymphoma, even difficult to distinguish between them in some cases, and if they differ in their mechanisms of leukemia cells, as well as they do not spread widely and clear in the circulation.
Allahoddgkin tumors and is ranked third in a common tumors in children, and higher rates in males than in females, including nearly three-fold, and may appear in children between early childhood and to adolescence, and that was rare in the age before the age of five , and the rising rates usually between the ages of 7 to 11 years.
Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels that resemble blood vessels, and branching out into all parts of the body and passes through the lymphatic fluid, and is a colorless liquid carries the cells of excess secretions and waste products and immune system cells, and the network of blood accumulate in the lymph glands called the glands of small organic nodes, which in turn sets located in different parts of the body, such as the armpits, neck and abdominal cavity, (as is the spleen and thymus, and almonds in the glands of the lymphatic system task), and these glands are store lymphocytes (Lymphocytes), one of the cells Home in lymphoid tissue, which Ttsrtun in this type of tumors, as a result of an imbalance in the phases of reproduction and growth in an odd digression.
And there are two basic types of lymphocytes, B cells (B lymphocytes), with the important role in identifying foreign organisms, and T cells (T lymphocytes) and both are susceptible to carcinogenesis and the development of lymphomas that are classified as either of them, whether tumors of the lymph cells of B ( B-cell lymphomas) or T cells
(T-cell lymphomas).
And each of the two types and different functions within the immune system, which help B cells in the fight against bacteria, viruses, and by producing Ddiat particles (antibodies) or antibody, and works Alddiat as evidence or a feature of the bacteria or virus target, with stick proteins specific reside on their surfaces called antigens
(Antigens), whereupon learned to instability and the like, which attracts macrophages types of cells of the immune system, which you swallow it, and attract the kind of blood proteins that destroy the bacteria causing holes in the wall of their cells.
While helping T cells in protection from viruses, fungi and some bacteria, where it can distinguish chemical specific, located on the outer surface of cells infected with the virus, whereupon destruction that secrete substances especially melt the outer membrane of these cells, and they secrete substances called triggers cellular
(Cytokines), Tstnhi other types of cells, white blood cells to attack infected cells or digested, and believed that T cells are attacking and destroying some types of cancer cells in the same way, in addition to attacking the cells of the transplanted tissue to the body, (so have patients who have undergone transplants members, special drugs to thwart the reactions of T cells), also plays some types of T cells play an important role in stimulating or inhibiting the activities of other types of cells of the immune system.
And can easily distinguish B cells and T when conducting laboratory analysis, and highlight the specific compounds that reside on the surface, where each vehicle has its own distinctiveness, and can also differentiate these cells in each stage of maturity and growth, and this course helps discrimination case in Allahoddgkin type of tumor in the patient, with similar cells of each type of these tumors with normal cells of the types of lymphocytes Btafratha, and at a certain level of maturity stages.
(Please go to a page that immunotherapy for more details on the role of lymphocytes in the immune system).
Types of tumors Allahoddgkin
Determine the type of tumor is lymph Allahoddgkin by the appearance of microscopic cells, in terms of size and shape, in addition to the pattern of accumulation and collected, especially in the vicinity of the lymph nodes, it is in terms of size classified as small-sized cells (small cells) or dilated (large cells), and from form are classified as bent or Mtfljh (cleaved) show the folds or folds, and is Mtfljh any flat (noncleaved), and in terms of pattern assembly is classified as Touselh (follicular); accumulate in the form of clusters, or in bulk tumors (diffuse).
Are also classified according to the speed of its growth and spread (or ferocity) to three degrees, slow, medium and high, and do not show tumor-degree when the first two children, while growing tumors of the upper class, which is usually described as aggressive (aggressive) and the number is increasing and spread through the body quickly, but they in turn respond to treatment with drugs used in chemotherapy significantly, and most of them incurable, and high rates.
And there are three main types of tumors appear in children Allahoddgkin:
Primary tumors of lymph cells (Lymphoblastic), referred to as tumors and lymph nodes, and tumor cells and a small flat or Almtfljh (Small noncleaved cell), then expanding cell tumors (Large cell), and are three types of upper-class and non-Touselh, and different patterns of treatment significantly.
Lymphoma Allahoddgkin (Lymphoblastic lymphoma)
And represents about a third of this type of lymphoma in children, and is more common among adolescents, and appears when males and females almost doubled, and in most cases arises from precancerous T cells, and in about twenty percent of the sick children arise from precancerous B cells, and has concentrated gland thymus (which are located in front of the heart) and the mass of a tumor behind the bone cage rib, which may cause respiratory problems (is the difficulty of breathing a first symptoms of this type), while resulting in less total cases, Ballowestin and glands lymph neck, or venom glands other, and is characterized by this kind, particularly the ability to move rapidly to the bone marrow, or the surface of the brain or the membranes surrounding the lungs and the heart, in addition to the lymph nodes other, which calls for the need to be diagnosed and treated early because of its ability to grow and Navigation and the seriousness of the rapid emergence of respiratory problems.
And similar cells Almtsrtunh this type with acute lymphatic leukemia cells in children, and therefore it is customary to reclassify the tumor as leukemia, (and be processed in the same processors leukemia), if the proportion of bone marrow tumor cells more than 25%.
Allahoddgkin small tumor cells Almtfljh (Small noncleaved non-Hodgkin's lymphoma)
And is divided into two types and is Prcaat Alberkat (Burkitt and non-burkitt), (the label back to the doctor Dennis Prcaat the first to identify this type), and usually appears in males, usually between the age of five and ten, and represents more than one third of cases in children in general, and if the rates vary across the world, in some parts of Africa, representing more than 90% of tumors Allahoddgkin, and more than half of the tumors of children, and for unknown reasons, usually created bones of the face, especially the bones of the jaws of these children , while that arising from normal abdominal cavity in patients with other regions of the world, and the emergence of symptoms usually appear enlarged tumor may lead to the emergence of bowel obstruction and abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting, can also arise Ballowestin or neck, or anywhere else and that That was rare.
And created this kind of precancerous B lymphocytes, and one of the most well-known speed of tumor growth and transition, and may be transmitted to several members of the vitality of the body including the brain surface or within the brain itself, which calls for the need to be diagnosed and treated early.
Tumor cells Allahoddgkin room (Large cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma)
And represents about a quarter of such cases of lymphomas in children, and often arise from precancerous B cells, and sometimes arise from precancerous T cells, and may arise neck lymph tissue, or placements behind the rib cage, or throat, or abdominal cavity, and shows In some cases, an early transfer to the skin or tissues under the skin, and rates of less than moving to the brain or bone marrow for other species and does not grow quickly like her.
About risk factors for the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin
The term risk factors (Risk factors) to the factors and conditions that increase the likelihood of vulnerability to any disease, such as cancer, when any person, and there are risk factors for each type of tumor, and may include risk factors and genetic any associated characteristics of genes, in addition to factors linked to the environment or lifestyle and living conditions, and although the factors on the pattern of living, such as smoking and poor nutrition or alcohol consumption or working conditions (such as constant exposure to chemicals), is one of the important factors in many of the tumors in adults, (and that does not mean that cancer is inevitable with the presence of these factors), but its impact is weak or absent when dealing with tumors of children.
And in the following paragraphs we are exposed to some risk factors for the emergence of lymphomas Allahoddgkin:
Risk factors related to the environment
Means the risk factors of environmental all harmful influences in the environment, which affect the living conditions of natural (such as exposure to radiation or toxic chemicals or pollution), which increase the proportion of the risk of infections of different such as tumors Allahoddgkin, and although the exposure to radioactive contamination, resulting from the bombings atomic or nuclear reactor accidents increases the risk and a high degree of development of many tumors, especially types of leukemia and tumors of the thyroid, but it carries the risk for a lesser extent for the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin, and while the longer exposure to chemicals, such as gasoline and some types of pesticides, a risk factor in adults for the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin, but he is not as much and as well as in children (other than a very small percentage), and did not link any medical studies between these tumors in children and between any cancer-causing chemicals.
Risk factors for tumor treatments
According to many medical studies for a direct relationship, and by the seriousness of small, between the treatment of cancer patients, whether adults or children, radiation therapy, and between the appearance of secondary tumors is the original tumor processor during the later periods of life, and although the rates of risk for the emergence of types of leukemia comes the first place, but he at the same time there is minimal risk of tumor Allahoddgkin, (and increasingly serious proportions when the joint use of both chemotherapy and radiation treatments), and this is the most common secondary tumors in adults, where they appear several years after the end of the processors.
While, and most importantly, according to some medical studies that drug chemicals used in the treatment of other types of tumors can increase the proportion of risk for the emergence of leukemia or tumors Allahoddgkin, during periods ranging from 5 to 10 years after the end of treatment, and refers particularly to the doses therapeutic schemes used in cases of Hodgkin's tumors, with a similar proportion of risk, including from 5% in ten years.
On the other hand the percentage of risk for the emergence of cancer, particularly tumors of the lymphatic system, (including lymphomas Allahoddgkin of course), when the cases were subjected to processor intensive to thwart the immune system (which is when the configuration of the transplant marrow bone marrow mainly) .
Genetic risk factors and genetic ills
Found to scientists for decades, that man may inherit from parents on some changes and imbalances blades genetic DNA of the cells, which in turn cause disease spread in the family-specific, and there is the proportion of high risk for many diseases at the birth of children with some types of birth defects and known Palmtlazmat (syndromes and the syndrome can be defined as a set of concurrent symptoms and deformities or disabilities or other anomalies, which appear in most cases combined in the same patient).
And lead some of these syndromes to the birth of children immune system is abnormal and helpless, and known syndromes immunodeficiency congenital (congenital immunodeficiency syndromes), and have been shown to increase the degree of high rates of risk for the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin in children, and is one of the most important syndrome anticonvulsant associated with spillover of capillaries (Ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome), and Bloom's syndrome (Bloom syndrome), and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome), in addition to the deficit syndrome of acute immune multiplier (Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome SCID).
Viral infection
Longer exposure to the virus leading to infection Bmtnadhirh immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), known HIV deficit immunoglobulin (human immunodeficiency virus HIV), one of the largest risk factors for the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin, as one of the most important causes of the inability of the system immune to the body, as well as in the case of exposure to repeated virus infection Epstein Bar (Epstein-Barr virus EBV) that causes disease and mononuclear (mononucleosis), and has reported many of the medical studies for a relationship between the high incidence of tumor lymphatic Allahoddgkin type Alberkat in the areas of tropical Africa, and between repeated exposure to infection with both malaria and this virus.
It is worth mentioning the other hand that there are no known risk factors and certain tumors in most patients Allahoddgkin either children or adults, and there is nothing that can be done to avoid the emergence of such tumors.
About the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin
We need to understand how the emergence of cancer cells, knowledge of some preliminary information on the genetics and genes (genes), Valmorth is a part of the DNA Alrebonowi (deoxyribonucleic acid DNA) carries the characteristics of specific genetic and a vital function specific, and an example set of genes color of the eyes and skin , or blood group, and this acid is a chemical that carries instructions for the system and the life cycle of cells, and the control of all its activities, and is the type of changes anomalies in the DNA of the genes influencing factor in determining the type of disease that may affect humans, and genes are parts of chromosomes (chromosomes), which can be likened to a band of linear DNA strand-like, and contains thousands of genes lined end to end, and the DNA is organized strictly in the 23 pairs of chromosomes, inherits half of each pair from one parent .
On the other hand may inherit one some of the changes the anomalous (or defects), DNA from his parents, which explains the appearance of some illnesses are common in some families, and called these changes Balthorat or changes the root of the structure (mutations), which also arise for reasons incomprehensible and unjustified imbalance just like the other images that affect this acid, which can be summarized in the following points:
Distraction of the chromosomes and the exchange sites (Translocation) between the two parts of the DNA, that is, a section of DNA Besbga a homeless HOS Besbga different and asymmetric with him, and this imbalance in particular is responsible for the emergence of some types of leukemia and most lymphomas Allahoddgkin, exchange where it appears in different chromosomes at each of them.
Reflection or the coup (inversion), which means that part of the chromosome is inverted, and overlay in reflected light it is still linked to the same chromosome.
Addendum (addition) of any part of the chromosome (chromosome or the whole) has doubled and many copies of it are located the cell, and is referred to with reference number chromosome positive (+7, for example).
Loss or erasure (deletion) of some of the clips DNA Besbga specific, and referred to as the chromosome number with a negative sign, eg -7 means that there is a missing part of chromosome VII.
And there are multiple types and so many of the genes, and each of them vital functions and characteristics of specific genetic, and contains some of the types of instructions and codes of genetic control in the mechanism of growth and division, and thus replication and reproduction for the production of new cells, and from these genes of certain urges and modify operations cell division, called idiomatically Btlieh gene tumor (Proto-oncogenes), and genes other slow and inhibit the division and reproduction, or give instructions to the annihilation of the self-cell, when needed, and called genes inhibiting the swelling (Tumor suppressor genes) .
And from here can Ttsrtun normal cells in the event of any of the mentioned types of imbalance structure of DNA, which in turn paid (directly or indirectly) to either run the forefront of uncontrolled tumor gene (which lose the ability to control cell growth and reproduction Turning gene and thus to throw (oncogene) is subject to stimulate an active tumor growth), or lead to frustrate the work of the inhibitory genes swelling, and end up with the emergence of a cancerous tumor.
It is important to know that, and except for genetic disorders that increase the level of risk for the emergence of some tumors (and it is not inevitable at all and does not constitute lymphomas Allahoddgkin into this category), Scientists do not know the real reasons and confirmed that lead to types of imbalance DNA , (or that trigger the trigger) and that lead to precancerous cells and the natural emergence of tumors.
In many cases, there is no apparent reason, and virtual to such defects, but it may be due to random errors occur when the proliferation of cells, each time preparing the cell to divide into two cells two new, you are making a copy of the DNA, and this process is sometimes not be perfect and the mistakes in copying, and despite the presence of several enzymes, cells specialized in auditing and auditor and then the patch, but some errors sometimes pass through, especially when the rapid growth of the cells, where, and before you can cell repair impaired acid, can be formed new cells turn and take the division with a defect and the time for reform was too late, and are the instructions that control growth and division may have changed permanently, leading to the development of a cancerous growth eventually.
As noted above Changes abnormal structure of DNA and associated with the emergence of tumors Allahoddgkin acquired and casual after birth and during the period of life, and not before inheritance, and despite not knowing the exact reasons for the carcinogenicity of lymphocytes and the emergence of these tumors in most cases, is that research Medical has been able to find a relationship between them and a number of health conditions associated with, such as immune deficiency mentioned above, which is believed it creates the right conditions for the emergence of these tumors, and according to medical studies, the coincidence of disability immune (either hereditary or the influence of drugs frustrating for the device immune or infected with HIV) infection with the Epstein Bar virus may lead to precancerous cells, tumor and lymph Allahoddgkin.
As the virus Epstein Bar infects lymphocytes B directly, and causes become corrupted, making it multiply and grow too well to prolong her life, and result in infection with the virus when most ordinary people to the incidence of disease and mononuclear (mononucleosis), and which does not is a serious disease where only T cells often the destruction of B cells infected, whereas when there is a deficit-cell lymphoma T, grow and proliferate B cells infected and massing in large numbers, making them vulnerable to highly dangerous because the breaking down DNA, whether the occurrence of changes aberrant slim build or the emergence of the exchange of chromosomes, and while affecting these defects Vanguards of genes and tumor specific or genes that inhibit swelling occurs carcinogenesis and established tumors, and has researchers recently identified genes responsible and how the composition of these tumors, and of course made use of such information in investigate the presence of tumor cells, and the classification of certain types of tumors Allahoddgkin, in the hope that is soon develop more effective treatments based on this research.
Despite the scientists were able to identify many of the fundamental changes DNA of tumor cells and lymphocytes, which form the beginning to understand how they evolve when there are risk factors specific in some patients, but he has not managed one yet know the reasons for the emergence of most of these tumors when people do not suffer of any obvious risk factors, may help to create the conditions arise.
About the symptoms
Cause these tumors symptoms of multiple depending on their positions, which may include the emergence of significant inflation and without pain to the lymph nodes near the surface of the body, such as the glands on both sides of the neck, underarms or Baltrkoh, continue for long periods without returning the gland to normal size, and while Eetmoda tumor tissue lymphoma cavity abdominal, may inflate the abdomen, and enlarged and sometimes looks like a large inflation of pregnancy, and in some cases, may cause tumor Fqa fabric of the lining of the cavity, the abdominal, resulting in retention of large amounts of fluids, and while the focus of tumor tissue lymph nodes near the kidney or intestine may swell, causing blockages impeding urination or bowel movements, and the patient feels severe pain or moderate abdominal, and renal failure may arise from the marks and the lack of quantities of urine, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and swelling of the emergence of hands or feet, may also lead to the emergence of inflation tumor blockage bowel obstruction and the passage of feces inside, which may lead to the emergence of acute abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting.
And when you hit the thymus or lymph nodes at the top of the chest and amplified, showing symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath, because the pressure of the tumor on the trachea, and exacerbated when the case could lead to suffocation, while at a pressure of the tumor mass on the superior vena cava, which carries blood from the head and arms to the heart, producing a condition known syndrome, superior vena cava (superior vena cava syndrome), and marks the appearance of swelling of the head and chest and the highest Baldhirain, with changes in skin color of these placements to bluish red color, and may affect the emergence of this illness on the brain and threatens a child's life seriously.
And add to the signs and symptoms resulting from the Local effects of the tumor, may show general symptoms such as fever, persistent and different intensity, which will last for weeks, and trembling, and the severity of sweating, especially at night, and weight loss, and a sense of constant fatigue, and loss of appetite.
It should be noted that he had sometimes difficult to diagnose such tumors in their early stages, as the swollen lymph nodes is usually created when there is infection in children, and does not raise a concern only when inflation gland size over 2.5 cm or so, and even in this the case is usually a course of antibiotics for two weeks to investigate the response and contraction of the gland swelling and to see if the amplified product from infected normal, while when there is no response or appear glands inflated rapidly in the amplified, or look like child's health is steadily deteriorating, should act quickly and to perform various tests.
On diagnosis
When you see the symptoms on the child and that can be attributed to any of the lymphomas, and distrust of the existence of such a tumor, the doctors performed a biopsy surgery (biopsy) in order to extract a biopsy of tissue or lymph suspected, to be examined under a microscope, in order to ascertain the presence of cancer and determine the type of tumor and vital properties, as are a series of tests and laboratory tests, and take pictures of different radiation ray x-rays, and X-ray CT (Computed tomography scan), in addition to MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging), and ultrasound, to determine the various aspects of the disease accurately.
Due to the similarity between the early symptoms of these tumors with the symptoms of many diseases other than cancer, such as various types of infection, should be the diagnostic accuracy a biopsy surgery to extract a sample of tissue, gland swelling to be examined microscopically, and this is done either by using the osteotomy needle, withdrawing the sample through a needle of poetry, especially that The gland is suspected located close to the surface of the body (and may be used to planning CT during the drag to ensure the accuracy of guiding the needle towards the glands inside), or via the surgery is open, and under full anesthesia, to get to the position of glands suspected inside the body, and then testing in the case and, if proven precancerous thyroid Multi surgery, based next step on the position and size of the tumor, the small in size, and in a position available for eradication, is a biopsy exterminating (excisional biopsy) to remove the entire gland, and that the tumor is large and difficult removed, the sufficiency is just a sample extract, known as the Balkhoza Aldaa (incisional biopsy).
As is traditionally a biopsy of the bone marrow (Bone marrow biopsy) to investigate the extent of the tumor cells the spinal cord, and so extract a sample from it using a special needle is inserted through the skin to the bone, usually hip back where the bone just under the skin and contains large quantities of bone, and then examine the sample under a microscope, and add to that is a lumbar puncture to extract a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid CSF), to investigate the transmission of tumor cells to the brain or spinal cord.
And in order to investigate the transmission of tumor cells to the membranes of the abdominal peritoneal cavity or lung pleura membrane (which may lead to the emergence of these two fluid accumulation both instances), the samples of the fluid lining the peritoneum (peritoneal fluid) and lung membranes bush (Pleural fluid) by a needle of poetry Following local anesthesia, and then examine microscopically.
On the other hand, is performed x-rays X-ray chest to examine the lymph nodes enlarged area of the chest, and a planning CT normal to check the tumor region of the abdomen and pelvis and chest, and may be used to plan radiation CT streaming electrons positive (Positron emission tomography scan PET) and here is a planning CT x-ray after the intravenous injection of the solution of a special type of glucose (sugar) contains a molecule of low radiation, and then the special cameras to clarify the size of radioactivity and places like across parts of the body, and consequently, determine positions of the presence of tumors, which absorbs the tumor cells high amounts of sugar radioactive due to high rates of metabolism within, and benefits of such planning in the detection of the presence of tumors in all parts of the body, and to determine whether the glands are enlarged due to the presence of a tumor or for other reasons, is also useful in assessing the response of tumors to the treatments different and how the presence of cells swollen glands and pitch after receiving treatment.
And the usual also make planning for the bones (bone scan) to investigate the existence of problems with bones, but this chart shows the positions affected bone as a result of the presence of tumors or as a result of any problems of non-cancerous, such as fractures or infections, as is the use of ultrasonic devices to verify that blocks tumor region of the abdomen, and is especially useful to investigate the extent of inflation as a result of the kidneys and urinary retention that may arise from swollen lymph nodes, while the advantage of planning MRI magnetic particularly in the examination of the brain and spinal cord and to assess the tumor growth along.
(And please go to a page that tests and laboratory tests to see more details about these tests and methods of surgical osteotomy).
Progress on the classification of tumors Allahoddgkin If diagnosis of the tumor as part of lymphomas Allahoddgkin, is conducting several tests and laboratory tests to determine the size of the tumor and its properties vital, and verification of the move from the position of its inception to the surrounding tissue or to any other sites, and through all the data type is determined Almtsrtunh cells within the tumor and the type of tumors Allahoddgkin progress and classification (Staging) of the tumor, and of course it is necessary to classification of tumors in order to arrange appropriate treatment plans, and to predict therapeutic Palmrdod expected and how to respond to possible treatments for the disease. | Tumor of the lymphatic Ahoddgkin neck lymph nodes, when the diagnosis |
And this classification include any of the following cases where:
We have the tumor outside the chest area, and is concentrated in one place outside the glands and may go to one group of lymph nodes nearby.
Concentrated in the tumor is more than the subject of lymph nodes in the same side of the diaphragm.
We have the tumor in two places outside the lymph nodes in the same side of the diaphragm, the transmission to the lymph nodes.
The tumor grew and Eetmoda abdominal cavity, and lymph glands may be infected or not infected, and removed all the blocks tumor phenomenon during diagnostic surgery.
Grade 3
This category include any of the following cases where:
Shows that the tumor has arisen initially in any position of the chest.
Abdominal cavity the tumor grew the beginning and go to several places inside, and impossible to fully eradicate surgically.
We have two sets of tumor in the lymph nodes, both sides of the diaphragm.
We have the tumor in two places outside the lymph nodes, both sides of the diaphragm.
We have a tumor on the spinal cord, or in a position on the outer shell of the brain or around it.
4 °
And include this category of cases where it is found that the tumors at diagnosis had moved to the bone marrow (but not increase the proportion of cells Almtsrtunh 25%), or central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), or to the lung or other vital organs.
About treatment plans by Category
Grade 1 and 2 of the lymphoma
Begin to address this category often systemic chemotherapy and injection cerebral spinal fluid vaginalis.
Grade 3 and 4 of the lymphoma
Begin to address this category often systemic chemotherapy and injection cerebral spinal fluid-Ghamdi, while radiation therapy is sometimes used when there is an expanding tumor to the chest.
Degree 1 and 2 of the tumor cells, a small flat
Begin to address this category often systemic chemotherapy with or without NA injection.
Grade 3 and 4 of the tumor cells, a small flat
Often begin treatment with systemic chemotherapy injection vaginalis.
Degree 1 and 2 of the tumor cells is room
Begin to address this category often systemic chemotherapy, with or without NA injection.
Grade 3 and 4 of the tumor cells, plenty
Often begin treatment with systemic chemotherapy with or without NA injection.
Back stage (Recurrent)
Treatment depends upon the return of the tumor type and position his appearance again, and type of previous processors, in addition to the state of child public health, and are processors usually process orthotopic transplantation of marrow bone marrow from a donor, or chemotherapy two using drugs not used in the treatment of primary with injection with or without sheathing, and depending on the considerations of each case.
It should be noted that it is usual to show signs of the return of tumors Allahoddgkin and relapse in children receiving treatment during the period following the expiration or directly, while unusual for a relapse that did not show signs and signs of disease after one year of the end processors.
On programs of chemotherapy at the oncology Allahoddgkin
Deal with Category 1 and 2
Classification is the treatment of children 1 and 2 by using systemic chemotherapy, different combinations of chemical drugs, the most famous protocol (CHOP), and consists of Saakulovosvamaid drugs (cyclophosphamide) and Dotxorobaisin (Doxorubicin) and vincristine (vincristine) and prednisone (prednisone), and Protocol
(COMP) and it replaces the drug doxorubicin drug Matotricksat (methotrexate), and the treatment period relatively short and lasts for nine weeks when tumors small cells Almtfljh tumors dilated cells, while the last for a period of up to 24 weeks when the tumor lymphatic system, and rates of recovery standard and long-term about 90%.
And is used injection drugs vaginalis chemical when cases of lymphoma, while the cases of other tumors is used when a tumor zones, head and neck or just proximity, in order to eliminate tumor cells that may be transmitted to the central nervous system.
Categorization, 3 and 4
Rates from recovery standard of the tumor lymphatic between 75% and 80%, and is receiving chemotherapy treatment in three stages, it takes a period of between 18 to 24 months (in the same stages of the treatment of leukemia lymphoma acute), starting phase stability or absence of tumor cells ( remission induction), which lasts between four to five weeks, followed by the installation phase and stability (consolidation), and which will last for a period ranging from ten to twelve weeks, followed by the stage of prevention or maintain (maintenance), which lasts between 12 to 16 months, and of the most successful combinations of chemotherapy used when this type protocol (LSA2L2), and protocol (BFM), and consists of a combination of both include several drugs used each phase, in addition to NA injection.
Tumor cells, a small flat
Rates from recovery standard when this kind between 70% and 80%, given the rapid rate of growth of the cells of tumor in this category, are given treatments, intensive periods of lull between sessions of treatment, and of the most successful combinations of chemotherapy used protocol is called the total B (Total B), which consists of a combination include drugs: Saakulovsvamaid and doxorubicin, and vincristine, the combination includes a real estate Saetharaben (Cytarabine), and Matotricksat, you are giving them alternately every 3 to 4 weeks, and for a period of 6 to 8 months, in addition to the injection vaginalis.
Ample tumor cells
Recovery rates from standard when tumor cells expanding advanced stages, between 70% and 80%, and are usually treated tumor cells, such as the small plane that arose from B cells, such as processing and lymphoma that arose from T cells, in addition to the use of injection NA of course, and the habitual use of combinations of drugs Dotxorobaisin and prednisone and vincristine and Matotricksat, and sometimes drug Mercabtopaoren or Saakulovosvamaid, and for periods ranging from 9 to 12 months, and focused clinical studies is investigating the benefits of periods of treatment, and any drugs the most important , and the ability to address the emerging tumors of B cells and T the same treatment plans.
The overall benefit medical statistics, cure rates for the five-year standard for children up to 90% in the early stages of tumor Allahoddgkin, while between 70 to 85% of cases, more advanced, (indicates the rate of five-year recovery standard to the proportion of patients who live five years at least since a certain cancer diagnosed, and of course many people recover fully and live much more, and uses this rate is usually a sign at the statistical cancer cases).
After the treatments
Necessary to conduct tests periodically comprehensive last for several years after the end of treatments, in order to investigate any signs of the return of tumors Allahoddgkin, in addition to control of complications and side effects of different treatments received, whether immediate or delayed, which may appear years later (please go to a page of late complications of treatments tumors to see more details), and include these tests in addition to clinical examination flour, laboratory tests and imaging studies of different, and are made to schedule a specific time, and it is very important, of course, notify the medical team in case of any symptoms or complications may appear to be taking the necessary medical procedures and to achieve effective treatment without delay, whether for therapeutic complications or relapse.