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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


Neutral total cell count (Absolute neutrophil count ANC)

Neutral total cell count (Absolute neutrophil count ANC)

And also called the enumeration of the granule cells or total count of neutrophils overall, and is a measure of the body's ability to resist infection, and generally means a value of more than 1000 that the child's ability to resist infection close to normal limits, and for the calculation of this census, is calculated by the proportion of cells neutral overall (related and separate) and is multiplied by the total census of the white blood cells, for example, and using the previous table, with a population of neutrophils, total:
49% + 1% = 50%, multiplied by the white blood cell counts 1500.50% * 1500 = 750, and that the total neutrophil count is 750.

And general recommendations when you devaluation of total neutrophils, in addition to the need to take into account any other complications from the disease or treatments:

Value between 500 - 1000: remove a child from any rallies and take the normal precautions to prevent infection.

Value between 200-500: keep the child at home and take precautions even more severe, and visitors should be healthy and hands sterile.

Value between 0-200: keep the baby in the house and to prevent visits and take all precautions to prevent infection.

And please go to a page that chemotherapy and blood cell count for more details on precautions when low census.

Platelet count (Platelet)

Platelets are needed to repair the body and stop the bleeding at the time of cuttings or wounds in various tissues, and that the main role in the formation of clots, a decrease in population blood after receiving chemotherapy, and include signs of this decline appears granular and red spots under the skin or bruising unjustified color Dark or minimum bruising, in addition to the ease of bleeding from the gums or nose, and is recommended for transfer plates typically at low population to between 10.000 to 20.000 / mm 3, or when bleeding, and it should be noted that about two-thirds of the total platelets settle for a time long in the spleen, and the usual cause any disturbance in its functions, such as inflation to a dramatic reduction in the census, while raising the census to very high levels in the event of eradication.
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