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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


Liver function tests

Liver function tests

Enzymes carrying Peruvian amines (Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminas SGPT)

While speaking doctors for tests and liver function, they usually mean analysis performed on a blood sample to determine the damage can occur to the liver, when showing the effects of intoxication in the liver as a result of receiving the chemotherapy drugs, produces liver damaged enzymes called enzymes carrying amines Peruvian (GPT), which population could rise to hundreds during the therapeutic sessions, or when some of the thousands of children in some stages, and of course there is a specific level for each treatment plan has been to reduce therapeutic doses, or stop chemotherapy to give space to the liver to recover.

Enzymes carrying Alawkželjh amines (Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase SGOT)

Or enzyme carrier amines Alawkželjh (SGOT), and located this enzyme at high rates of tissues and organs high biological activity and metabolism, including the liver, and is produced by cells damaged or destroyed, and indicates a population directly on the amount of damaged tissue, and thus may increase population this enzyme to the thousands that liver damage occurred, and it should be noted that there are other reasons for the increase in population of blood, such as viral infection or interaction with drugs.

Bile (Bilirubin)

The body converts hemoglobin, which is produced by red blood cells to the affected bile extract, and purify the liver, including blood and then secreted into the gallbladder, and the amount of bile in the blood circulation in a few natural conditions, but the population rises in the event of significant damage to red blood cells, or when the liver is unable to purify the usual quantities of them.

And the juice of two types, both direct (or associated with Conjugated) and indirect (or non-associated Unconjugated), and appear associated with the event of destruction of the growing blood cells red, while the show is associated with the event of functional failure in the liver or when a blockage is, and may appear the patient's symptoms of jaundice when there are large quantities of bile in the body, and released into the tissue
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