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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


liver cancer

Definition of liver cancer:
Is the growth of abnormal and irregular to liver cells in case the primary tumor, but if it be a secondary spread from another member body all the way to the liver.

1. Yellowing of the body and the eyeball.
2. Pain in the abdomen.
3. Loss of appetite and weight.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. Rise in temperature.
6. Sense of fatigue and drowsiness.

1. Incidence of viral hepatitis B or C.
2. Drinking alcohol heavily.

1. A CT scan of the abdomen.
2. Magnetic X-ray work.
3. Analysis of blood.
4. Paljaleom radioactive screening, which is important to distinguish between tumors and other diseases that may infect the liver.
5. Take a sample of the tumor and examined under a microscope.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention if the disease is localized or in a liver lobes.
2. Chemotherapy intravenously or directly to the main artery of the liver.
3. Radiation therapy as a treatment Euphemistic.
4. Treatment of the tumor freezing.
5. Liver transplantation.

1. Lack of exposure to hepatitis B or C and that by taking precautions when blood transfusions, and not to use injections have been used before. Most importantly, take the vaccine for hepatitis.
2. Stay away from drinking alcohol.
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