Depression in cancer patients
There are many concepts and misconceptions about cancer and traded common among many people, such as the concept that all cancer patients are frustrated and depressed, or depression in a patient with cancer is inevitable and normal, or he can not handle the depression, probably, of the inevitability of suffering or pain horrible and painful death, and the fact that each person is not suffering from depression was diagnosed with cancer, and especially dangerous levels that could lead to a nervous breakdown.
And of course going through the person you are diagnosed with cancer several levels of psychological pressure and stress, and emotional fluctuations and emotional, nervous and anxiety and alarm, radical changes in the pattern of life and the fear of death, and physical changes, or change physical shape, and change the perception of self, and the change in location and social status and way of life, as well as financial considerations and functional, all of these issues are very important when a person gets cancer, and a sense of sadness and grief is normal and natural reaction during this crisis, and everyone will feel such that at times, but it is very important to distinguish between the levels of grief and sorrow natural and normal, and with serious depression that needs to be addressed in care plans and treatment, depression Capricorn is not a sad or nervous, and it is the illness itself and the symptoms can be diagnosed, and multi-effects and complications and should be addressed, and according to some medical statistics affects approximately 25% of patients.
And will pass all the people reactions of grief and sorrow at diagnosis and periodically during treatment, and after the escape of cancer, as people often feel when they discover their cancer with disbelief and rejection or despair, and may suffer from sleep difficulties and loss of appetite, and phobias and severe anxiety, and become absorbed in thought Almanmom about the future, and from customary to ease these feelings and concerns and difficulties when adapted to the person with the new situation, and rises to face reality and begin treatments and disease resistance, and the signs of this adjustment is dealing with the status quo, and ability to continue effectively in the activities of daily life, and continue to play a social role as a husband or father or mother, and continue to function or work, and the integration of processors in the routine of daily life.
However, when some people show greater difficulties in coping and adaptation, and while one can adapt to the diagnosis and live with the disease after a long period, and apparently unconscious of the interest in activities as usual, and is Mkthert matters of life task, it may be an indicator of injury depression, frustration, and the need for competent medical advice.
And longer depression interactive or interactive (reactive depression) of more types of depression common in patients with cancer, and is characterized by fluctuations in mood and bile, and the inability to complete activities as usual, and continue its symptoms for longer periods and appear more clearly from the responses of the normal and expected, as well It does not rise to the level of severe cases of depression, and while the impact on the daily life of the patient, such as work, school or household affairs, or interfere with treatment programs, should be treated as if it was sharp style.
Diagnosis of depression
May be difficult to diagnose depression in patients with cancer, given the difficulty of separating symptoms of the problems of the side effects of treatments, and symptoms of cancer itself, and be more difficult particularly when patients undergo intensive therapies, or when the advanced stages of disease.
Include symptoms and signs of severe depression:
A frustrated and depressed mood throughout the day and on most days.
Have the desire or interest to do most activities, and a sense of futility or worthlessness and low self.
Profound changes in eating habits and sleep, and fatigue lasting.
Nervous tension or dullness, weakness, and mental focus.
Inappropriate sense of guilt, and time thinking about death or suicide.
It should be noted that the emergence of these signs and continue for at least two weeks to establish a diagnosis of depression, and in the advanced stages and are considered some of the symptoms, such as guilt, and sense of futility and low self-defense and lost hope, and ideas of the termination of life and the desires of the most important labels useful in the diagnosis of depression.
On the other hand increases the risk of vulnerability to depression in some cancer patients but not others, and although the reason behind the occurrence of depression is not known precisely, but several influential factors increase the possibility of it happening, and include:
A depression when you hear the diagnosis, or the presence of depression Kaalh satisfactory prior to the patient, or suicide attempts in the past.
Treatment is effective for pain, or increased physical disability and weakness.
The family support and social exclusion, or the presence of depression or suicide Kaalh in the history of the patient's family.
The existence of an advanced stage of cancer, or cancer of the pancreas.
Aspects and the presence of other life events increase the pressure and stress, and nervous system, or the presence of illness when the patient's alcoholism or drug abuse.
Loss of sense of hope and despair and a feeling of helplessness and the loss of assistance, or the feeling of self-value and low
Or a sense of futility and guilt.
The presence of other diseases causing depression (such as heart attacks), and the effects of some drugs to tumors.
And add to the effects of some drugs, cancer treatment, there are other medical factors may in turn cause depression in patients with cancer and they include: the presence of untreated pain and the presence of abnormal levels of calcium, sodium or potassium blood anemia, severe shortage of vitamin B-12 fever the presence of abnormal levels of thyroid hormones or steroids in blood.
Useful and commonly used drugs in the treatment of this type of depression more effectively than counseling, especially if you can not change medical factors that cause (such as the inability to change or modify the doses of the drug causes depression.)
On the other hand the following points should be explored carefully and to assess the state of depression in cancer patients:
Look at the patient and his thoughts about his illness.
Patient's medical history and current mental state and physical condition.
Side effects of treatments and complications of the disease.
Any other pressure in the patient's life.
The extent of support available to the patient, whether moral or physical.
And in this regard is the existence of ideas and Discussion about suicide indicator of risk for both the patient or the medical team and family, and varying statements or hints of wanting to die just a hint improvised from a person cranky or frustrated by longer periods of treatment, a gateway (if I had to subjected to explore the bone again Vsaagafz of the window), to the statements predicted for deep despair, like say (no longer able to afford what he is doing this disease all of us, and I will kill myself and to complete the command), and is very important to investigate the seriousness of such thoughts, and of course if it is proven the seriousness of the patient's thinking of ending his life, Viogb ensure his safety and displayed on the psychological specialist doctor without delay.
Treatment of depression
Depression can be treated with a combination of acute joint consultation between the treatment and medications (such as antidepressants), and the physician may prescribe drug treatment of depression, and then turn to present the patient to a psychiatrist who specializes in some cases, such as:
While finding that it is not comfortable to deal with depression (eg, the patient has thoughts of suicide).
Did not improve symptoms of depression after the lapse periods ranging from two to four weeks of starting treatment.
Increased symptoms worse.
Side effects of cancer treatments to prevent the patient from eating treatments for depression, or that the symptoms of depression interfere with the patient's ability to continue to cancer and treatments impeded.
And the usual work antidepressants effectively in patients with cancer, and is safe for them in the treatment of depression and its symptoms, but in that, in most cases are not described them, and according to some medical statistics that 25% of patients with depression, prescribed antidepressants for about 2% of them only.
And supports the option of using these drugs on the condition of the patient and the severity of side effects it, and how the presence of allergies or reactions towards them in the past, and to point out that most of the antidepressants give effect during the period ranging from 3 to 6 weeks, and of course the necessary fact-effects side effects before deciding which type will be used, for example, may help to take a drug can cause drowsiness person with concern the sharp stop him from sleep, where the property is soothing and analgesic, and it should be noted that the treatment should continue for periods of at least six months if the antidepressant user effective .
And there are several psychological therapies found useful in the treatment of depression on cancer, and is often used in combination treatment of psychiatric treatment, and what is known as crisis management and ways of thinking associated behaviors, and aimed at treating multiple aspects and aspects, such as screening methods ease the grief and distress in the patient, and raise the vigor and improve problem-solving skills, and raise the spirit of challenge to the disease, and raise the morale and deny negative thoughts about the self, in addition to directing thinking about religious belief and aspects of faith and give a more comprehensive view of life, and create personal links between the patient and strong and a person or persons are understanding of the medical team, and involve the patient in the treatment of other patients or to incorporate social activities involving other patients.
And of the tasks implied by this processor at a broader level:
Help patients and their families at diagnosis, especially answer all questions on the disease and treatments and explain the information adequately, and correct misconceptions about cancer, and to give assurances about the real situation, and develop confidence in the face of the disease.
Help solve problems and develop the capacity of the patient to deal with the disease and Mujahdth, as well as helping his family to find additional capacity, and to investigate the presence of other pressures, such as marital status or changes in lifestyle, and encourage family members to provide support and guidance in this context.
And various social organizations, such as associations to support cancer patients, in turn, are useful in the treatment of depression, especially adolescents, in addition to clubs that combine cancer patients, and social services departments in medical centers, these organizations support the patients and raise their ability to cope with the disease and prevent their isolation, in addition to the patients Atcaflon and share their experiences and moral support.
Depression in children of cancer patients
Most of the children to deal effectively with emotions and successful emotions related to cancer, and adapt well and show growth and positive emotional development, and with that a minority of them suffer from various psychological problems, such as depression and acute anxiety and sleep disturbance, and the emergence of multiple problems in their relationships with others and cooperation during the therapeutic sessions, requiring the need for treatment by a psychiatrist specialized cases of childhood cancer.
And show more symptoms of depression in children who suffer from the effects of acute and delayed for cancer, it usually shows concern xiphoid in young children, while showing depression often when older, and for child survivors of cancer often adapt successfully with cancer and Maagath, and of course case there are problems in adapting to and coping is shown to a small percentage of them.
Diagnosis of depression in children
The term depression to symptoms or sickness or a set of interactions and responses to psychological, and time and severity of the reaction (eg, sadness), show the difference clearly between the symptoms and illness, for example, may be a child is sad, and sadness is a reaction to the bruises or cuts , but this sadness takes a short time, and generally can be identified depression the existence of interaction continues a long time, and associated symptoms such as insomnia and agitation nervous system, and irritability and aggression, and change eating habits, and the emergence of persistent problems with friends or school, and should not be ruled out depression Kaalh present when the continuation of any behavioral problem, it does not refer to temporary moments of sadness, and but rather refers to a bug affecting the growth and interfere with the psychological and physical development of the child.
Include signs of depression in children age school following symptoms:
Inertness not eating activity or hyperactivity, aggressive-looking sad, crying, fear of death to feel the frustration, sadness or despair and self-criticism Alanshidah daydream repeatedly refused to look at low self-school learning problems, slow movement manifestations of anger toward parents, teachers and the attention was unwanted activities previously, and to point out that some of these signs may appear with Ktefaal stages of development and normal growth in children, so it should be identified with any of them linked to depression.
It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of depression in children to establish an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for order, and includes a diagnosis of depression in children of inquiry for the following aspects:
Assessment of the overall situation of the child's family, and the level of cognitive and emotional maturity of the child, and its ability to deal with the disease and Maagath, and the age and cognitive level, and how account for himself, and any unsatisfactory experiences of the past.
And focused assessment of the child and assess the conditions of the family health history of the child, and behavioral observations of the child by parents and teachers and the medical team, in addition to interview the child and make an argument, and psychological tests.
And of course different from depression Kaalh satisfactory in children is higher than in adults because of the different aspects of cognition, growth and maturity, and in general can use the margin next to diagnose depression in children:
A sad mood and extinct, (sad expression on the face in children below age six), combined with at least four of the following signs or symptoms, which should continue for a period not less than two weeks:
Changes in appetite.
Lack of sleep or insomnia, or sleep for long periods.
The child is very active or inactive significantly.
The interest in usual activities, and signs of lack of attention to anything (in children below age six).
Fatigue and loss of energy.
A sense of futility or low self-criticism or self or a sense of guilt.
Alanshidah and inability to think and mental focus.
Constantly thinking of death or suicide.
Treatment of depression in children
Than usual therapy consultation, whether individual or collective line of treatment given to the child with depression, and is designed to help the child overcome the difficulties facing it, to grow and develop the best possible way, and may use play therapy as a means to explore the look of the child toward himself and toward the disease and treatments, and it should be noted that from the beginning and the child needs to help him understand the cancer diagnosis and treatments used, and according to cognitive level.
And the physician may prescribe some medications, such as antidepressants, for treatment in children, including some species used in adults.