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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


Anxiety in cancer patients


Anxiety and nervous tension and anxiety and fear, panic and phobias of various kinds, all are different aspects of what might be called the illnesses in general, acute anxiety (Anxiety Disorder) and mental and nervous tension, anxiety is a normal reaction to cancer, and one may suffer from anxiety during the testing and preliminary analysis of cancer, or while waiting for test results, and when you received the news of the diagnosis and when to start treatments or when the expected return of the tumor, and will find cancer patients that their feelings of anxiety and tension increase and decrease at different times, the patient becomes anxious and tense than when the cancer spreads or moves to another position, or while become the processors more intense and stressful, and, of course, vary and are different levels of concern from patient to patient, and patients are to reduce anxiety levels should take all the information on cancer and treatments planned and events during the expected.

On the other hand and for some people, especially those who have suffered in their lives periods punctuated by crises, severe tension before with cancer, may become a concern immersive and overwhelming and disruptive to the processors and the progress towards recovery, the worry in this case may increase the pain, and cause the disruption of sleep, and cause nausea and vomiting, and deeply affects the lifestyle of the patient, and not strange to say that the acute anxiety can even limit the age of the patient if not treated.

And some may suffer from acute anxiety, and more likely to have arisen because of the unsatisfactory pattern of factors and different conditions, and medical studies indicate that rates of acute anxiety among people over the following cases:

Patients with a history of the ills of concern for various reasons, or those with a past trauma or emotional.

Who suffered from acute anxiety during the diagnosis.

Persons deficient in social support, and those with few friends or family members who would be interested about them.

Patients who suffer from severe pain, and physical disabilities.

Patients' tumors do not respond to standard treatments.

On the other hand there are many drugs used in cancer treatment could exacerbate feelings of anxiety, in turn, and contrary to what may one thinks, patients suffer stages of a tumor developed from the concern is not fear of death itself, but rather from other factors, often contain The fear of pain stainless control, or fear of leaving them alone without support, or their sense of need and having to rely on others.

Description and Etiology

Some people may suffer from acute anxiety in the previous conditions are not related to cancer, and may appear again suffering the effects of this and the previous emitted and may worsen after the diagnosis of cancer, and patients may suffer from extreme fear and panic, and become unable to absorb the information related to their illness and instructions for the medical team, and they can not understand, and follow-up through the stages of treatment.

Set of questions in the following form to extract data from the patient about the concern in order to determine the symptoms and levels and thus devised a treatment plan:

Any of the following symptoms since I was diagnosed with cancer and when do they occur (before or during treatment, night or day) and their duration?

Do you feel the tremor and weakness, and that you are unable to stand or feel very Bnrvzh unit and nerves?

Did you feel tense and taut nerves, or felt fear or anticipation of the poor?

Do you believe that you should avoid being in certain places or doing certain jobs because of your fear of them?

Do you ever feel that your heart beats violently or accelerate Ndath?

Do you feel difficulty in breathing when they are nervous?

Did you profuse sweating or trembling without justification?

Do you ever feel knot in the stomach?

Do you ever feel as if there is something Mtkom in the throat?

Do you find yourself going places fast or arguing back and forth?

Do you feel the fear of a blind your eyes at night for fear that you might die while you sleep?

Are you concerned to conduct the following analysis, or the possible outcome of a premature long?

It comes to a sudden sense of fear of losing control or going crazy injury or death?

Do you often feel worried about when he would return and how much pain would be bad?

Do you spend time in bed too much fear of the pain that I got up or went to any place?

Did you feel confusion and confusion recently or lost balance?

And these questions are generally designed to determine which of the patient suffers the ills of concern, which include:

The problem of adaptation and coping bug panic, phobias obsessive obsessive types of forced-traumatic stress bug bug public anxiety and concern resulting from the ills of other public health problems, and the following paragraphs an overview of each of them.

Reason not to adapt and cope with the event

These include illness and the presence of behavior or mood shifts even more extreme than expected, and Ktefaal reaction to the diagnosis of a cancer patient, and symptoms include:

Neurological and willies and very sharp.

Concern and conclude a continuous and narrow.

Inability to perform any action such as going for the job or school.

Isolation and the ability to be present with others.

This reason, and it shows more clearly in the critical times in patients with cancer, such as times of analysis and tests of the disease, diagnosis, and when the media, and when intensive treatments, and when setbacks and the return of the tumor.

And can significantly reduce the problems of this illness in several ways, including:

Development of trust between the patient and the medical team that provides reassurance and, in turn, explains the facts and the feasibility of treatments and options, and increases the patient's mettle to confront the situation and follow medical instructions carefully.

Strengthen aspects of the patient's faith and prayer and urged him to read the Koran and a lot of prayer and lift him up by reminding the extent of remuneration and reward when the disease.

Learn relaxation techniques and positive thinking.

Taking medications for the treatment of this malady under the recommendations of the treating team.

Engage in programs of support and assistance and educational programs for cancer patients, in addition to reading about the historic walk.

Reason for panic

Patients suffer illness panic (Panic Disorder) from acute anxiety and tense, and the many symptoms include: shortness of breath and panting heart rate nausea, profuse sweating and shivering chills tingling sensation and numbness strong sense of fear of losing the mind and madness.

And seizures come fast and may last for minutes or hours, and the usual address some of the medicines, and noted that the mentioned symptoms may mimic symptoms of other ailments.


Phobia can be defined (Phobia) that concerns the suffering of the continuous and permanent specific thing or place or situation or event, and People with Balrhab usually of concern and tension sharply to avoid what drives them to terrorize, to places such as the presence Arhabonha, Kalmsaad and confined spaces or heights High-rise, or experiencing any position Arbakhm and scare them away.

And cancer patients may have an intimidating and injection needles, or some of the processors, or exploration and extraction of bone marrow, or they fear and avoid testing in confined spaces, such as magnetic imaging MRI, the patient refuses Balrhab usually lie within such a device.

Obsessive obsessive illness forced

Control the actions of a person with illness obsessive-forced (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), and also called the illness obsessive compulsive disorder, ongoing and continuous and controlled, ideas or guesses or gentleness or images imagined acquires it (Khos or obsession) and be accompanied by the behavior of certain ( Do not resist foaming and coercive), and may suffer the most people with this illness suffer from losing the ability to follow through cancer treatment, as they are disabled because of concerns and acquiring them, and behaviors that impede their ability to perform normal.

And of course there are different drugs to treat this illness in addition to psychotherapy, and it should be noted that this illness is rare in patients with cancer who did not suffer them in advance before the diagnosis.

Bug-traumatic stress

Also known illness disorder after trauma or injury (post-traumatic stress), People who lived through and have gone through experiences or incidents of life-threatening in a previous life and were diagnosed with their cancer, may be invoked to have again the pressures and stresses they have experienced after the incidents.

And may suffer cancer patients who have this illness in advance of acute anxiety and excessive Before starting treatments, such as surgery or chemotherapy, or medical procedures that are accompanied by a certain pain, or even just to change the dressings, and deal with this illness is usually psychological treatment.

Reason for concern throughout

Patients affected by this ailment of serious concern and continues to reasons that are not realistic, as an example of being a family and friends who know him and still fear being left alone and can not find anyone cares, or fears the patient's inability to cover the expenses of his treatment with that he is capable material and has insurance or enough social security, or to avoid touching his children for fear of transmission of cancer to them.

And the reason may also arise after the passage of the patient's phase of severe depression or frustration, and some of the symptoms usually appear when the existence of this illness, including:
Irritability and agitation and irritability restlessness and lack of submissiveness and quiet or rest cramps and shortness of breath, rapid heart pocket sweating dizziness and fatigue easily.

Anxiety caused by problems other public health

May suffer cancer patients from acute anxiety, for reasons other health, for example, patients who suffer from severe pain are concerned, which in turn increases the pain, and may be the sudden appearance of concern a symptom of infection, or an indicator of pneumonia, or an imbalance in the chemical body , as he appears before the emergence of heart attacks, blood clots or the emergence of the lung and be accompanied by chest pain and difficulty breathing, and the reduced amount of oxygen carried by blood to make the patient feel as if about to suffocate, which worry him deeply.

And for drugs and its complications, may result in anxiety viewer side directly or indirectly, it is medicine that causes anxiety, which can cause other symptoms such as irritability and boredom and lack of stability and submissiveness, or the intensity of mood and agitation or depression, or trembled and shivering, and it should be noted that some tumors may cause anxiety or symptoms occur or give rise to acute anxiety panic causing a chemical imbalance in the body or shortness of breath.

About treatment

Difficult in many cases the distinction between normal fears associated with cancer, and acute and severe concerns about the radical, which can be classified into the ills of acute anxiety, and Treatment depends on the impact of this concern on the activities of daily life for the patient and interfere with treatment plans.

And address the cause of the primary is usually set the acute anxiety caused by pain, or develop other health, or a certain type of tumor, or the side effects of drugs used in cancer treatment, and treatment is the beginning, and in general, provide the patient with all adequate information relating to cancer, and options for treatment so he could complete understanding and clear vision of the disease, and is not affected by the information is correct medically, and then provide support and moral support, and benefit from medical sources available, and religious bodies, social support, in addition to finding appropriate methods for each patient to raise ambition, and self-raising ability to deal with the illness, such as urging him to consider the disease from the perspective that the problem must be solved, for example, or in terms of patience and thanksgiving, and the pay and reward when the disease.

And of treatment options also make psychotherapy specialist, and group therapy to join a group of other patients, and the dialogue of collective denial of isolation, and share experiences and opinions, as well as family therapy with family links to support the patient, or relaxation exercises that include guided imagery ( focusing on the imagined mental images to help ease the stress).

On the other hand there are some medicines and used in the treatment of acute anxiety, and should not avoid the patient's use of such drugs for fear of addiction, in that, of course, the team will the processor as the amount enough of them to ease and relieve the symptoms, and reduce the dosage or stop as the situation demands.
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