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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


Deficiency of blood platelets (Thrombocytopenia)

Deficiency of blood platelets (Thrombocytopenia)

Ranges census normal platelets in the blood cell count between 150,000 and 400,000 in the millimeter cube of the blood, resulting deficiency state platelets (Thrombocytopenia), when low rates of platelets to receive chemotherapy and the inability of bone marrow frustrating for the production of alternatives quantity required, and increasingly dangerous the case of deficiency when low on the census to 10,000 mm 3, where the patient is in the case of a severe deficiency require treatment quickly.

And although the platelets are classified within the blood cells, but in fact molecules are similar to cells resulting from the fragmentation of a type of bone marrow cells known as cell Anaqbih huge (megakaryocyte), and is important in its function as part of the protection mechanisms in blood, and the main role in the formation of clots and protect various tissues from bleeding, Bertgaha and close to the positions of cuts or cuttings in any position of the body, as activated in the event of a wound or cut Balsairat and blood vessels, and rushing to collect placement and massing in large numbers and become sticky and accumulate the help of certain proteins Blood to be a coherent mass, working Xdadh closed position, and at the same time secrete substances urges the blood to clot.

From here Low rates blood as a result of frustration bone after receiving the drugs, chemicals, displays the patient's risk of easy bleeding and blood loss to the property of clotting, as the body is prone to easy bruising and bleeding for longer periods than usual from the simplest cuts or scratches, or vulnerable to the acute blood when landing rates to very low levels, in addition to the emergence of serious internal bleeding, which may cause damage to internal organs.

And physical hazards in addition to a situation when you want the patient, it may also hinder the scheduling of treatments, and may delay some surgical procedures necessary, in anticipation of the loss of large amounts of blood through them.

Symptoms of Oz plates

Although the Oz plates resulting from chemotherapy opposed a temporary, but it requires the need for scrutiny in the census on a regular basis, and on the lookout for symptoms and signs, and at any time of declining census rate of 50.000 to mm 3 was a patient at increased risk of the possibility of bleeding, While no longer in need only when a sharp decline in the average to 10,000 mm 3, of the signs and symptoms of common deficiencies:

Emergence of effects like bruising under the skin of different sizes or dark blue color, in addition to easy bruising and trauma to the lower reason.

Appearance of granules and red spots on the skin.

The emergence of bleeding gums and teeth, especially when eating and cleaning.

Easy bleeding from the nose without stop.

There is blood in the urine or dark urine.

There is blood when stool or black stools.

Precautions to avoid bleeding

In the following paragraphs and recommendations of preventive measures and precautions, you can take when a situation of indigence and lack of census sheets, to reduce the risk of bleeding and to protect the child until the return rates to the appropriate level:

Maintaining oral hygiene and Taraute:

Teeth cleaning and a soft brush toothpaste conditioner, and when you can not use the brush you can use a soft sponge or a piece of sterile gauze.

Do not use tools such as the purification of sharp teeth wooden sticks.

Avoid the use of commercial antiseptic mouth that contain alcohol, which can dry the mouth and gums, which leads to easy bleeding.

Use a moisturizer lips permanently to prevent cracks.

Take sips of water or juice when you feel constantly dry mouth.

Cleaning and rinsing the mouth after meals with a solution Allbecking soda (BACKING teaspoon soda in about a quarter of a liter of water).

Additional precautions:

Not blowing your nose deeply and firmly but gently, and not blowing your nose.

Not cough hard, and when there is a cough should consult a doctor to describe the cough syrup is suitable for.

Do not try to defecate or Alhsr strongly, as this would make cuts or Chrokhat anus, in addition to increased pressure on the brain capillaries, and when there is constipation should consult a doctor to describe the appropriate laxative.

Do not use a thermometer to measure temperature anally, and do not use suppositories or enemas.

Avoid violent motor activity, such as aerobics or team sports, or any activity that may cause bruising or fall and cause injury (such as cycling, football shoes or wheels) and also avoid carrying large weights.

Always wear sneakers to protect the foot.

Avoid wearing tight clothing.

Avoid the use of drugs affecting blood clotting:

Not to use aspirin or aspirin-containing compounds and to verify the presence of salicylic acid in any drug, as required consult your physician before taking any drugs.

Avoid taking any drug or non-steroid anti-acidity, and requires consultation with your physician.

Avoid eating any of the blood thinners or anticoagulants brakes.

Follow a diet appropriate:

Eat more of fluids throughout the day and increasing rates of perfusion of the body, to preserve the moisture of the mouth and the digestive cycle and to avoid constipation.

Eating foods rich in protein (meat, chicken, cheese, eggs, milk).

Avoid uncooked vegetables and solid textures and difficult to digest.

When bleeding

Should inform the oncologist processor in case of any bleeding, and can be pressed tightly to the place of infection or bleeding for five minutes, and that did not stop continue to pressure and contain the bleeding until the arrival of the doctor, and in case of bleeding from the nose is pressed with the fingers under the nose while keeping the head raised to the top, and should call your physician as soon as possible in the following cases:

Bleeding does not stop within five minutes.

There is blood in the urine, or the appearance of dark urine.

There is blood when stool or stool in black bold.

Impaired vision and changes in view.

Constant headaches or impaired consciousness and feeling, or the inability to stay awake in the case, or abnormal sleep for long periods.

We point out that if the patient was bleeding for any reason (such as accidents, for example) during periods of receiving cancer treatments, doctors should be informed of aid stations for the current state of his health, and drugs for chemical received.

Address the deficiency of blood platelets

As noted above, the situation of Oz plates resulting from chemotherapy exhibitors temporarily disappear after the treatment, before returning rates of platelets to normal levels, and treatment is of course either a transfer of whole blood that contains within it the plates, or moving the plate filter to compensate , or by using catalysts development.

And the usual procedure of the transfers as soon as rates drop to critical level or as a reserve when they reach the level of 20.000 census, and there may be complications associated with these operations, of course, such as allergic reactions and moderate severe, or the risk of bacterial or viral infection, may develop as a reaction immune to the movable plate after multiple transfusions, leading to the destruction of the quantities transported, and despite these complexities is the transfer sheet as a treatment for the common deficiency resulting from chemotherapy.

The types of stimuli development used by the deficiency of blood platelets are drugs traded as Aoberalfkin (Oprelvkin) and Nyumiga (Neumega), which urges the bone marrow to increase production of platelets, and thus reduce the need for transfers of patients, and injected usually under the skin doses daily.
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