Causes of failure and malnutrition
Effects of tumors
Produces many of the problems of failure and malnutrition direct influence of the tumor itself, such as the growth of tumors of the stomach or esophagus or intestines, causing blockages different or nausea and vomiting, or poor digestion and slow processes digestive tract, and inadequate absorption of nutrients, and can tumors of the ovaries or genital organs or urinary tract causing rain and excessive presence of liquid abdomen, leading to a sense of early satiety and imbalance of fluid body, and tumors of the central nervous system, such as tumors of the brain, causing in turn, mental confusion and drowsiness lasting, and may lose Patients interested in eating, or even forget about eating meals, and on the other hand Valalam resulting from tumors in turn lead to loss of appetite completely, and low amounts of food and fluid intake.
On the other hand exacerbate the changes in the metabolism of various nutrition problems, in turn, as the tumor cells convert nutrients into energy in different ways, and less effective ways to benefit from healthy cells, as they produce vehicles and various chemicals in turn cause loss of appetite and loss of nutrients, and for example, produces a material impact effectively on the sense of taste and the taste of things change when the patient, which prevented him from eating, as well as secrete hormones that can change some of the different biological systems, such as controlling the amount of food intake, absorption or methods or ways to take advantage of the body, and some tumors affect the brain neural receptors such as those governing the functioning of the stomach, for example.
Effects of various treatments for tumors
Tumors of different treatments cause problems in nutrition, and may have a direct impact, such as low absorption of protein and fat Following types of surgery, or indirectly, such as the need for more power after exposure to infection and fever.
And the following paragraphs an overview of the effects of cancer treatments:
Surgery may result in neck and head to the complexities of operations in the chewing and swallowing, or to strain my brain and nervous tissue due to the loss that has been eradicated, and surgery may lead to the inability of the esophagus and stomach deficiencies in fat absorption, and gastric surgery that leads to failure and weakness absorption of protein and fat, and the emergence of symptoms of rapid gastric emptying, and the low level of blood sugar, and the feeling of early satiety, while the pancreas is often surgery to poor absorption of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, and the emergence of diabetes, and surgery of the colon and small intestine As they lead to a lack of absorption of protein and fat and lack of vitamins and minerals, also cause acute diarrhea and fluid loss.
And in general include the side effects associated with surgery and affecting the nutrition, the risk of infection and the occurrence of various fistulae (Ktqhob between two or between a member and the surface of the body), or the emergence of short-gut bug.
Cause some of the drugs used in chemotherapy directly to the loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea and constipation, and mouth sores and infections, as well as changes in taste and taste, and the occurrence of infection and various infections, and are symptoms that affect the nutrition and last for more than two weeks are particularly dangerous, and, of course, depends the severity of these symptoms and the pattern repeated on the type of drug chemical user and the dose received, and medication support, and associated with chemotherapy, and on the other hand increases the complexities of nutrition at the emergence of fever and continue for periods of time elongated, with more than fever, the need for more calories to the body.
Radiation therapy
Than usual to cause radiation therapy to the head and neck loss of appetite, changes in taste and taste, and inflammation and dryness of the mouth and gums, and sores and difficulties Balbla, in addition to the spasms and contractions of the jaws, and infection or infections are different, and the radiation of the chest may cause infection esophagus or converting to flow opposite to the contents of the stomach, in addition to nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, while others may cause the radiation to the abdomen or pelvis in diarrhea, and nausea and vomiting, and inflammation of the intestine and rectum or a fistula, in addition to radiation therapy cause fatigue and fatigue, which loses its appetite and desire for food, and in most cases result in complications that continue for a long time in the narrowing of the intestine and the emergence of chronic inflammation, in addition to the lack of food absorption, or the emergence of the digestive canal blockages.
May cause various immune therapies, such as dynamic response rates (Biological response modifiers), fever, fatigue and physical exhaustion, thus leading to loss of appetite, and increased need for protein and calories.