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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


What is Cancer ?


What is Cancer

Is the name called at a set of symptoms that is characterized by abnormal growth of cells and their ability to attack the nearby tissues and organs far from the site of the disease.
Cancer-causing agents:

Environmental pollution.
Exposure to direct sunlight in abundance.
Infection with viruses such as HIV viral hepatitis.
Parasites, the most important disease schistosomiasis.

Remember my brother References:
Remember that early diagnosis is an important factor in the full recovery and prevent complications.
Fruit and vegetables as prophylaxis of cancer.
Definition of Cancer

Cancer is the name for a disease characterized by abnormal growth of cells and their ability to attack the neighboring and distant tissues and damage them fatal.
Factors increase the likelihood of cancer:

Low intake of fruits and vegetables fresh.
Exposure to radioactive gases released by factories and cars, environmental factors, bacterial contaminants. Genetic factors.
Too much food salted and grilled on hot coals.
Too much canned and preserved foods in ways that non-scientific, such as smoked fish - canned food, and contaminants that have emissions exceeding permitted limits.
A lot of foods high in fat - weight gain and obesity.
Increased exposure to certain toxins found in some foods such as aflatoxin and pesticide residues and Alosmon.
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