nasopharyngeal cancer
Is the abnormal growth and uncontrolled by the cells lining the pharynx nasal (which is a cavity located in the back of the nasal cavity and connects the nasal cavity and the end of the oral cavity, and his delivery of the air entering through the nose to the upper parts of the respiratory system in the process of inhalation and vice versa in the process of exhalation). This growth leads to obstruction of the lumen and then move on to the parts near the membrane and then move through the lymph glands in the neck, sometimes spreading tumor in various organs of the body, especially bone and liver.
1. Headache.
2. Change in vision.
3. Obstruction in the nose.
4. Bleeding from the nose.
5. Numbness in the face.
6. Pain in the neck.
And not necessarily that the patient complains of these symptoms, but in most cases, the complaint is a concise display or presentations. It is also important that these symptoms may also appear in cases of pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
Does not have a specific reason, but smoking and alcohol of the most important reasons associated with this type of cancer.
1. A CT scan of the head and neck.
2. Taking a sample of the lining of the nasal pharynx.
Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention if it is possible to eradicate the infected part.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiation therapy.
4. Should also consult a dentist if necessary to take any precautions.
No methods of prevention, but abstinence from smoking and drinking alcohol contributes to reducing incidence.