Is lung cancer different in women for cancer of men?
It is dangerous phenomena that have crept into the society of women in the Persian Gulf and Saudi in particular, the phenomenon of smoking cigarettes and «bubble», became commonplace to see women smoking in cafes and shopping malls, public parks and in front of others, and perhaps some of them have become in the counter addicted to cigarettes.
That the injuries of women with lung cancer are still low because of that smoking is not widespread in the Arab world among women until the last two decades.
It is known that lung cancers usually appear after two decades of time from entering the smoking habit in any segment of the populations in any country.
At the time when lung cancer is a disease in men, has changed that view in the present day, due to the high incidence of lung cancer among women may be due to a large proportion of smoking women.
Even if we assume that there are ten reasons for lung cancer, nine of which are due to smoking.
A recent study
There is a recent study reports that lung cancer, which affects women is different than that which affects all men, were also detected in the presence of a relationship between estrogen therapy and cancer known as adenocarcinoma and smoking.
The difference between lung cancer in women and men, because there is evidence that estrogen may be one of the reasons for these differences, and genetic factors and metabolic and hormonal play an important role in the way women's bodies interact with carcinogens and lung cancer.
This does not prevent lung cancer in women, a woman smoked die young age compared to a smoker without the knowledge of the man explained.
The researchers noted that patients in the study participants who ate large amounts of foods containing plant estrogens decreased risk of lung cancer by 46% compared to patients ate less of these foods.
The researchers also found other benefits related to the type of abuse of various kinds of foods rich in plant estrogens, decreased risk in men who ate the largest amount of soy Oisovlavinat by 72%.
The decreased risk among women who ate the largest amount of fruits and vegetables by 41%.
Adds Dr. Qari said: The intake of vegetables and fruits from the types of foods containing weak plant estrogens may reduce the risk of smokers and non-smokers with lung cancer.
It is clear to us that different lung cancer between men and women is the hormone estrogen found in women who works as protection from lung cancer but does not prevent the occurrence or injury by women. It remains the specter of lung cancer among smokers and smokers, even twenty years after quitting smoking.
Damage of smoking on women
That smoking lose skin vitality and freshness, and the movement of air drag that require shrinking lips lead to the formation of wrinkles long on the lips, in addition to bad breath, gum disease and darkening of the teeth are yellow and gums black, which turns off a lot of the beauty of the smile, are also subjected women to break early menstrual cycle and low fertility on the other.
And warn pregnant women of the dangers of smoking, as it causes premature birth and abortion and the small size of the fetus in addition to congenital malformation of the fetus. One of the most common diseases in smokers of cardiovascular diseases and respiratory allergies and asthma.
The smoke is a poison deadly slowly not show symptoms on the patient only after years, it contains thousands of chemicals and the number of radioactive materials and carcinogens in addition to materials of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, acetone, ammonia, benzene, lead, cadmium and many other substances harmful to human health, which makes cigarettes more dangerous deadly poison to humans or the smoker who does not smoke, but smokers inhale the smoke around him, and because of these toxic substances is smoking is the main factor for lung cancer.
The statistics showed that men who smoke are more likely to develop lung cancer by 22 times more than non-smokers and female smokers at risk 12 times more than non-smokers, but specialists expect that these percentages will change over the coming years due to the spread of smoking among women.
We also confirm that smoking increases the opportunities and the possibility of many other cancers such as cancer of the upper respiratory tract (mouth, pharynx), esophagus, stomach, bladder cancer, cervical and breast.
So the smokers in general and women in particular, to quit smoking and not to be subjected to any form of inhalation of smoke or chemicals and not disregard health