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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.




After suffering the trauma of diagnosis, and a sense of guilt and anger and grief and sorrow, and all the emotions intertwined, growing with the parents a sense of hope and hope in the healing of the child and a better tomorrow, and there are strong grounds for hope; majority of children who have been diagnosed with cancer he was overpowered, and lived a normal life like everyone else, and that disease can be conquered and cured, before twenty-five years, I wrote a survival of the few children, but now Vogelbathm recover and rates high, and the research is still under way everywhere in the world, and after twenty years may recover all of it without exception.
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