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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


The following suggestions helpful in overcoming the dry mouth and difficulty swallowing:

The following suggestions helpful in overcoming the dry mouth and difficulty swallowing:

Avoid spicy foods and coarse.

Use the mixer in processing foods for relaxation.

Avoid hot foods and frozen, and preferably foods at room temperature or slightly cool.

Moisturizing creams and foods and cream sauces or oils.

Avoid foods that stick to the roof the mouth or throat.

Take small bites and chew well.

It should be noted that cancer patients who receive adequate nutrition are more resistant to disease than others, and able to deal with treatments and side effects are unique, and in this regard should encourage patients to keep the spirit high, and a positive attitude toward treatments and eating enough of protein and calories.

And can calculate the value enough for the patient, helping to put an end should be maintained at all times and using the following equation to calculate the protein and calories required assuming a light physical activities:

For a person of low weight: lb. weight multiplied by 18.
And for very plain Weight: lb. weight multiplied by 16.
And for adult overweight: lb. weight multiplied by 13.
Taking into account that some patients need higher values, and note that the kilogram is equal to approximately 2.20 lbs.
The value of grams of protein necessary for the patient is generally calculated by multiplying weight in lb. 0.5.
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