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Fever and sweating in patients with cancer


Follow the normal human body temperature pattern in harmony and rhythm in normal circumstances, are usually relatively low in the morning and higher evening, and maintains the body temperature normal rates of engaging in activities set the balance between the rates of heat production and loss rates, and the resulting rise in the degree of abnormal body temperature, either as a result of what is known as the phenomenon of excessive heat (hyperthermia) or as a result of fever, where the excessive heat created by the failure of thermal control system in the body, while at the fever, this system works well, but the body temperature remains high, while the body works hard to combat micro-organisms exotic, such as bacteria or viruses.

And fever of three stages, in the first phase of the body to raise the heat to a new level that caught the blood vessels to skin, to pay the blood from the surface of the skin into the body, and to assist in the Book of heat, which makes the skin more cooler, and the muscles contract and the body begins to trembling, and generated more heat, and continue efforts in the production of body heat, and set up access to a higher temperature.

Equally in the second stage heat generation rates and rates of loss and stop shaking the body, and maintains the new class, while in the third stage temperature starts to decline, as the body discharge excess heat by dilating the blood vessels to skin, and blood flows from the interior to the surface of the skin, and then starts sweating helps to cool the body.

And fever affect more on children and the elderly, the control system does not work well when the body temperature of aging, resulting in irregular heartbeat and poor blood flow, in addition to the setbacks and attacks some of the changes of mind, while children between the ages six months and the sixth was subjected to repeated seizures because of the fever.


The most important of the main reasons for the emergence of fever in cancer patients:

Tumor itself, of course, and exposure to infection, and allergy medications, allergies or blood transfused blood transfusion, and the emergence vaccinated against the illness when the host bone marrow transplantation or peripheral stem cell periodic, where the transplanted cells attack the tissues of the patient.

And there are some other reasons in addition to that cause fever, such as symptoms of interruption of medicine, and the emergence of blockages in the bladder or intestine or kidney, or the emergence of blockage of human barriers is by particles and throws, and the occurrence of other ailments in sync with cancer, such as clots of blood, or the effects of tissue macrophages, hemorrhage, or central nervous system.

Fever resulting from infection

May show fever in cancer patients as an indicator of exposure to infection, a serious and dangerous, need to be addressed as quickly, and attributable fever is usually a deficiency cells, neutrophil white blood cells (neutropenia) when the patient, where there is sufficient numbers of cells resistant to infection in the blood circulation, and is the onset of fever associated with the state of destitution a strong indicator of an infection life-threatening, and produces about two thirds of cases of fever in patients with cancer from exposure to infection because of the persistence of destitution for long periods, and the fever in this case a painful and debilitating and may be accompanied by trembling and sweating, extreme, where the struggling body to control the temperature, and starts the line of initial treatment is usually with antibiotics, and that used to continue to be addressed for a period of time ranging from five to seven days as long stopped fever and infection, and may begin to address the fungi that the fever persists after week after the start of a course of antibiotics.

Fever caused by tumors

Cause some types of tumors in the mouth, and the onset of fever and the degree of severity may reflect the growth or spread of the tumor, and the usual cause of some tumors, such as fever, particularly tumors of Hodgkin's lymphoma, and types of leukemia and lymphoma, and kidney tumors and bone and thyroid adrenals, while it is unusual to cause some tumors fever only in the event of transmission of the tumor to the liver, including tumors of breast, lung and colon, and on the other hand arise fever as a result of the presence of tumors block the intestinal tract, or stomach, or urinary tract or parts of the respiratory system .

And the usual thing to have a fever in such cases on a regular basis can be determined style, and may appear at certain times of the day, as may occur in periods of non-specific, and may stop for days or weeks, and it should be noted that the researchers do not know on the face of precision how it is working tumors to cause fever.

And the usual stop cycles fever at the start of treatment standard for tumors that cause them and eliminate them, and on the other hand may return the return of these tumors, and from here might be seen as the emergence of fever in some cases, an indication of the return of some tumors (for example, may be considered the continuation of courses fever When cases of acute leukemia after treatment of infection, an indicator of the return of cancer, either to the testicles or meningitis, despite his low bone marrow), and if the treatment used is not effective or not available treatments, it is usual medication non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory to treat fever.

Fever caused by drugs

May arise fever in patients with cancer as a result of interaction of the body towards the abuse of some drug treatment of tumors, and is a drug immunotherapy (or what is known as drug modified to respond to antibiotics), it is common cause of fever, as well as with some antibiotics such as amphotericin (amphotericin), add to some types of chemotherapy drugs, of course, such as real estate Bleomaesen (bleomycin).

And the usual treatment of such conditions, either to stop suspected drug abuse or replace it with ever more feverish, and in the case of drug treatment may be immune to change the control fever immune Property Type the user, or modify the dosage or change the method of approach, and on the other foot can be avoided by eating medicine that causes it; giving the patient acetaminophen (Acetaminophen), or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, or steroid drugs or antihistamines as the case, and on the other are taking certain medicines to treat tremors associated with fever, such as real estate Mbryden (Meperidine).

Fever resulting from the transfer of blood components

May arise fever in patients with cancer as a result of interaction of the body towards the compounds of blood-borne them, and this usually occurs in response to immune to the white blood cells in blood, transported, and can reduce this interaction to separate white blood cells or treatment of radioactive compounds blood prior to transport, as fever can be treated in such cases took some medicine, such as antihistamines, or acetaminophen (acetaminophen) prior to any transfer of blood components.

Fact fever

To investigate the causes of fever and order of the treatment plan, is investigating the health history of the patient and the previous problems, and the line of treatment that followed, medication intake, in addition to physical examination destruction, especially if the fever is in sync with the case of deficiency of white blood cells, and focused examination on the skin, and holes of various body (mouth, nose, ears and anus and channels urinary), in addition to teeth and gums, tongue and throat, and places stitches needles, and tubes, intravenous or feeding tubes veins, and is a different analysis of blood and urine and saliva to determine the signs of infection.

It should be noted that the usual signs of fever may not appear on some patients when there is a deficiency white blood cells, which requires the need for periodic examinations, and of course should not be neglected fever, which is an indicator of the risk of severe threat to the patient.

Recommendations to alleviate the pain of fever

In parallel with addressing the underlying causes behind the emergence of fever, it can take some steps that would help mitigate the severity and patient convenience, most notably the need to give the patient plenty of fluids because he needs it most, where the body using the fluid and calories more quickly at high temperature , (and lack thereof thus causing additional problems arise when a patient who is already suffering from a lack of nutrients and lack of eating), in addition to the mitigation of spare clothing and blankets or bed sheets, and the use of compresses or showers with lukewarm water or room temperature also helps in patient convenience, and to point out the need not to use cold water compresses or ice packs, or sheets, bedspreads and cooled, compresses or alcohol, and when the emergence of tremors have to change mats wet ones dry, and remove the patient from any air currents, and modify the room temperature .

And in order to relieve the symptoms your doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, or acetaminophen, or similar products, and to point out that aspirin may be useful in reducing heat, but he needed to take extreme caution when used with most cancer patients, especially patients Hodgkin's tumors, or might have lower rates of blood platelets, for any reason, as he and especially not when prescribed for children fever.

On sweating

Is the secretion of sweat by sweat glands in the skin, and helps sweating to cool the body, and may arise from exposure to disease, or when the environment is warm or when the effort muscle, such as different exercises, or that is associated with fever, or accompanied with so-called donations heat (hot flashes), and most patients suffering breast and prostate cancer donations from the heat, either mild or severe, and although they are not sharp when ordinary women who have reached menopause and the repeated pattern of decline with time, but it continues in patients with breast cancer after healing without the drop in intensity, and the same thing with the men who were surgically treated tumors of the prostate.

And can be attributed causes of sweating in patients with cancer to the tumor itself or therapies different, or conditions other health is not linked to cancer, is also sweating common symptoms in some tumors, such as tumor and Hodgkin's, and tumor cells, chromatin dark (pheochromocytoma), and tumor-related device nervous system and endocrine glands, and causes of sweating also:

The age of menopause in women (normal, due to surgery or removal of the ovaries, or the effects of chemotherapy and radiation or hormone on the ovaries).

Loss of fertility in men, whether surgery will eliminate the testicles or hormone therapy.

The impact of certain drugs such as tamoxifen (tamoxifen) and anti-depressants and steroidal drugs.

The emergence of complexity in the region of the hypothalamus hypothalamus any brain (hypothalamus).

Sweating treatment

Addresses the sweating associated with fever treatment fever itself, and is controlled sweating caused by tumors usually when addressed, and there are several drugs to treat excessive sweating in general in patients with cancer, and on the other hand are advised to always wear loose cotton clothing and wide, and use fans appropriate and practice to relax to reduce the severity of sweating.

And used to be handled donations temperature (Hot flashes) concurrent with the cessation of menstruation (either naturally or because of treatments) replacement estrogen (estrogen replacement), (although it is not possible for many women taking the hormone estrogen, especially patients of breast cancer), and despite the presence of several drugs to treat heat but donations are often ineffective or have intolerable side effects, and relaxation exercises may help in the mitigation.
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