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Discovery of gene linked to leukemia

Discovery of gene linked to leukemia

British scientists discovered a new gene linked to blood cancer risk, which may allow the discovery of the disease through a blood test only, without the need to take a biopsy of the bone marrow, a painful process.

The Web site (Science Daily) Scientific American, researchers at the Institute (Sanger), the British were able to identify a gene called (SF3B1) is often subjected to mutations in patients with myeloid dysplasia syndrome, the most prevalent type of leukemia.

It was found that patients who have mutations in the gene in question suffer from a specific defect in red blood cells Bnkhaahm marrow.

This may be demonstrated by the results of the study, the benefit of clinical significant, and it is hoped that the researchers can detect the disease through a blood test shows a mutation in the gene (SF3B1), if any.

The researcher said the study's senior Eli Babamanuel "We believe that we determine through (SF3B1) and to distinguish the underlying biology behind the disease, we will be able to access the method of examination and treatment protocols improved."

He pointed out that the study found that patients who have mutations in the gene discovered was a chance of survival the best who have not registered with the mutations.

He said that this indicates that mutations in the gene occur rather more benign cancer of the blood.
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