Deficiency of white blood cells and infection
Is the infection of the strongest risk that might be exposed to the child cancer patient, especially when you receive treatments and the emergence of destitution cells neutral, and naturally that the low rates of white blood cells or a state of indigence does not necessarily mean that the child would be subjected to infection, but he will put more critical and dangerous, and very easy to pick up any infection, even minimal, which were to affect the body in normal conditions where the immune system efficiently, which requires to keep parents constantly vigilant and alert to any signs of infection, and to take appropriate action If the emergence of symptoms, and inform the competent oncologist at full speed, as some infections are serious and dangerous threat to the child's life and during short periods of time.
Than usual to show infection multiple placements of the body, and they include patients with cancer:
The skin and the skin, mouth, throat, esophagus, abdominal cavity, liver, and rectum, lung, bladder and kidneys, and central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), in addition to the positions of intravenous catheters or tools.
And are classified as infection by type of bacteria causing it, any bacteria, viruses, parasites, protozoa, and fungi, and result in most cases (when there is deficiency matrix neutral) for bacteria and viruses that live on the surface of the skin or in the digestive tract, and is sometimes result from the species in the environment, surroundings, and of course these microbes do not cause any infection in the normal conditions where the immune system can fight, but when his weakness as a result of receiving treatments, tumors can become active and cause serious infection.
And is a bacterial infection of the most common type of infection in patients with cancer, and produces in most cases, the types of bacteria, in particular the following:
Bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), pulmonary Alkalpslh (Klebsiella pneumoniae), Bacillus Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli (E coli)), clostridia spindle incurable (Clostridium difficile), enterococci (Enterococcus) and Streptococcus (Streptococcus), and pulmonary (Pneumococcus ) and Staphylococcus (Orange and the raid of the skin) (Staphylococcus aureus, epidermidis).
While the resulting common types of viral infection at low rates of neutral cells for the following viruses:
Viruses that cause herpes (herpes), such as herpes simplex virus (herpes simplex virus), and viruses, chickenpox, or varicella (chickenpox), and that can also go to the vital organs and causing infection dangerous, such as pneumonia and stroke, and the virus that causes illness inflation cell phone (Cytomegalovirus), which can also cause eye infections and digestive and respiratory infections, in addition to viruses that cause measles and tribunals.
The primary organisms and parasites (protozoa), and that the usual cause of infection in patients include:
Albugiyat Cryptococcus (Cryptosporidium), pulmonary cysts (Pneumocystis), and toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma).
In terms of fungi that live inside the body balance in normal conditions can in turn caused the emergence of both types of infection when a weakened immune system deficiency and the emergence of neutral cells, or when you continue to eat steroids for long periods.
Include fungi that cause infection in patients with cancer:
Aspergillus (Aspergillus) and breakfast, consisting of the mold, and Candida (Candida), in addition to Staphylococcus Cryptococcus (Cryptococcus), and Alnosjiat (Histoplasma).
Symptoms of infection
Of the signs and symptoms of infection and the patient should be taking account of and pay attention to appearance, and then notify the physician without delay:
Fever and high temperature to more than 38 degrees Celsius.
Trembling or severe sweating, or feeling cold or hot.
Cough or mucous cough, shortness of breath or breathing painful and difficult.
Sensitivity or swelling, or inflammation of the mouth or throat, or mouth, white patches and gums, or change the color of the gums.
Congestion or runny nose, or difficulty swallowing.
Burning or pain when urinating or defecating, or the presence of the smell of urine.
Colic, headaches, pains or a feeling of abdominal cavity, or the presence of diarrhea.
Redness or pain or swelling in any position of the skin or the presence of the subject of body temperature seem higher than other on contact.
Redness or pain or swelling and itching at the injection intravenous, or position of the injection tubes.
Redness, swelling, or heat position Tkotaibat injury or surgery, or ulceration of any wound unhealed.
Sense of mental confusion, headache and dizziness or fatigue.
Laboratory tests to diagnose infection
When infection is suspected the existence of a number of laboratory tests, to determine the kind and to investigate the situation, including:
A complete blood count, cell count and finding neutral.
A farm on the blood samples are withdrawn from two different locations, to investigate the presence of the microbe that causes infection in the blood.
A farm of Paul.
A chest x-rays to check for the presence of pulmonary inflammation.
A farm of body fluids from suspected positions with exposure to infection, such as the throat when there is inflammation.
On the other hand may be an additional special tests at the suspected microbe to cause infection and difficult to determine.
Precautions to avoid infection
Precautionary measures can be taken to reduce the chances of infection and avoided capture:
Repeated hand washing on the clock, the sick child and for the whole family, and especially before preparing food and before eating, and when you enter the house and after using the bathroom, and should be used in soaps sterile and antiseptic to bacteria and germs, and wash warm water with massage hands well, and it is necessary to follow up a sick child on a permanent basis in the process.
Repeated use of non-alcoholic antiseptic mouth.
Not to remove dry skin, cut, and the use of moisturizing creams instead.
Not to use deodorants, which closes the pores of the skin which facilitates infection.
The use of diapers sterile, and maintain the cleanliness of their positions and dry to prevent allergies.
Remove a child from the sick, and of being infected with one of the easy spread of infectious diseases such as influenza.
Remove a child from infant vaccination of live vaccines.
Remove a child from human populations and markets and public transportation.
Wear shoes to prevent the occurrence of any wounds or cuts or scratches feet.
Prevent the child from approaching sharp or places of cooking, to prevent injuries or burns.
Remove a child from coming under direct sunlight and avoid sun burns.
Not the child's hair shaving blades and the regular use of electric shaver to avoid cuts, and avoid shaving the face in adolescents.
Not to give the child any vaccines or vaccines without the consent of your physician, especially live vaccines that prevent at all.
Prevent the child from playing games or riding a bicycle collective, or what can lead to injuries.
Remove a child from domestic animals, and not to change the decorations of the house painted, or during the session of chemotherapy.
Additional precautions when Oz white cells and reach a level of scarcity
Periodically monitor the child's temperature every four hours and inform the doctor immediately when body temperature exceeded 38 ° C to the point.
Avoid raw foods, including:
Fruit salad and vegetables cooked or raw fish authorities.
Natural cheese is pasteurized and raw eggs.
Fresh fruit, frozen or dried.
Condiments and spices.
Coffee, juices and those attending the cold.
Not to give suppositories or measure the temperature anally.
Not perform any operations on the teeth, and when absolutely necessary to be reported to the physician, to give his consent to the dentist who should be informed of the current situation of children and treatments received.
Use of laxatives prescribed by an oncologist when there is constipation, and avoid trying to defecate and Alhsr strongly.
Prefer to separate the child from others when sick children in hospital reviews, and use the side entrance and waiting room or secluded place, instead of mixing with children of patients in the waiting room key, and prefer to reserve dates the revisions in the early morning before rush hour, which did not exist a lot of patients Chamber of the preview.
Appropriate to prevent the hugs and kissing the child when the visits of strangers, and that need to be reduced to the maximum extent possible.
Course should be maintained at the best of adequate nutrition and adequate and rich in protein and calories.
Treatment of infection
With all the precautions listed above is still the risk of infection considerably, and when suspicion of their existence and the appearance of signs and symptoms should parents offer the child an oncologist processor without delay, or go to the nearest ambulance and notify doctors about the child's condition and diagnosis and treatments received, to be start treatments appropriate to contact a doctor when the tumors, and to note the importance of not giving the child any medication to reduce fever, especially aspirin without making sure of the approval of the treating physician, (and please go to a page that fever for more details).
And is antibiotic-line basic treatment of the infection, and are starting receipt without delay after a physical examination and laboratory analysis, and without waiting for the results of these tests that require a long time, and may later change the type of antibiotics used according to these results, and there is a wide margin of antibiotics can be used, and are choosing the right type depending on the subject of infection and kind and causing microbes, and the general health situation of the patient, and, of course, are some types of infection is simple, while others pose a serious threat, and difficult to treat and may require the use of many of the antibiotics.
And from the usual eating antibiotics intravenous and may be sometimes addressed through the mouth, and, of course, vary side effects, necessitating the need to monitor the patient in anticipation of these effects when the use of powerful antibiotics, and dependent medical care over the body's response to infection, may need Some patients in intensive care and the need to stay the clinic, while others may not require the case when some of the other, and naturally that is a periodic tests and analyzes the different while receiving treatments of infection to ensure elimination, scan the subject of infection to investigate the extent of the influence, and fact-census white blood cells and neutral cells awaiting her return to appropriate levels to help fight infection.