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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


At diagnosis

At diagnosis

If diagnosed child with cancer find the parents themselves in a spiral confusing, since it must take many decisions and in a short time, as well as to absorb all the basic information and that pouring down on them at one time, and to name a few, should decide the type of treatment and study available options and choose the specialist hospital and when appropriate, and any doctors, in addition to knowing what the disease, and it is there and what treatments are best, and what are the possible treatment plans and recovery rates, and a lot of cross-cutting issues.

Needless to say, it is necessary and very important to become parents partners in the process therapeutic, performing their full side by side with the medical team, (and do not take the role of passive spectator, the disease itself does not allow it at all), and in this regard it is important for parents inquire about everything related to the child's disease and do not hesitate to ask questions, and, of course, will the physician and the medical team explained many of the facts and issues related to the disease and treatments and options available, and of normal parents to find it difficult to remember all the explanations and answers The medical team, and perhaps it is useful to copy out the questions and answers and explanations identify the task, and also be useful to do an audio recording of the doctor's explanations or the use of another person outside the family to write it down.

In the following summary of the necessary information and that family should inquire about and make sure to absorb the obvious answers:

Know what type of cancer in the child and his grade and classified as type.

Know the classification of the progress of the disease, stage and extent of any move from the position of its inception.

See if there are further tests and analysis should be conducted.

Discuss the possibility of a second diagnosis and in the hospital is different, since it is customary to wish the parents in the conduct of examinations and other tests in a hospital and a different diagnosis for a second deny or confirm the diagnosis first, and this is one of the fundamental rights of the people.

Knowledge of treatment options available, and the option for doctors who plans to follow, and the reasons of this choice, and chances of success or the response of the disease towards him.

Knowledge of past experiences of the hospital in the treatment of tumors of children, especially the kind that the child has been diagnosed, and the results Maagath.

Knowledge of medical staff available at the hospital and the extent of specialization in the treatment of children, need to take treatments doctors specialize in the science of oncology and hematology, and Pathology, and specialized surgery, and in the applications of radiation therapy, in addition to specialists in various branches of medical management treatments support and nursing staff specializing in the management of oncology treatments.

Know in detail the remedial courses and schedules on time and receive and duration, and periods in which the child should be spent in the hospital, and what can be received from the House, treatments, and equipment necessary to do so.

Knowledge of possible complications and side effects of treatments (either rapid or delayed) can occur, and ways to deal with it and managed, and what can be done to mitigate them.

The existence of professional social workers in dealing with children, and coaches to experience the children of cancer patients, and able to mitigate the impact of routine treatments and hospital stay for children and administration of social affairs (such as toys, school work and various activities).

Knowledge of the issues that should inform the school about the child, such as treatments and needs when he returned to the school and the need for special education.

The possibility of explanation and clarification of the child and for his guidance and brief him on what is required of it, including explaining medical procedures and treatment and so on.

On the other hand, and after the various tests and confirm the diagnosis and the completion of the classification of the disease, the doctors put the overall plan of the treatments, which include details of the various treatments and duration of sessions and with the anticipation of any possible developments and plans for follow-up.

And the doctor to discuss these plans with the parents and explained before you begin any of the steps, including the explanation of returns therapeutic envisaged and expected, and possible risks of treatments and complications and side effects, in addition to talking with the child himself (according to level of cognitive and old ), and used to be the hospital's management to request the parents sign a bond agreeing to start the planned treatments, as a practice at all clinics.

And may appear to treatment plans and medical procedures are complex and difficult to understand at first, but it is usual to adapt the parents, children and get used to the course of treatment, and used to be a medical team to provide parents with a copy of the planned therapeutic to be able to follow and plan their daily Accordingly, and in this regard it is important to not worry parents to ask questions or replication, whether the doctor concerned or of the medical team, and that does not hesitate to clarify anything mysterious to them, and on the other hand should take into account doctors and extent of their concern, and therefore coordination for the additional time, the doctor can answer their questions the expansion, without affecting his work and his time allocated to other patients.
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