Anger and guilt
Are feelings of anger, tension and guilt of the regular interactions with the sick children and their siblings, and it is common to Ahanq sick and angry about all the difficult things they face and that they are expected to do, and may feel Bagheiz Nkhozat of needles, or taking drugs unpalatable taste or swallowing large capsules, or talk to many people, strangers, or lie under the scary-looking machines and made a lot of noise over and over again, has infuriated the violation of their privacy and isolation within the walls of the hospital, and may ask for a sick child enraged is precisely the cause of his cancer.
And may result in feelings of guilt when thinking of the child or adolescent cancer patient he had been wounded because of the behaviors or being a bad person, or because of the behavior of a sinner to do such as lying or experiment with smoking, and may feel responsible for what befell them, and caused the emergence of family crisis and its impact Parents, especially if parents themselves are facing troubles of their own, for example if they are divorced or living with a dispute or other personal problems such as illness or disability or the like.
Brothers for their part, feel angry and tension of what is happening with their brother, and infuriated to changes in their lives as a result of the crisis and confusion routine watch, and may feel Bagheiz for they believe that parents Ohmlohm or do not care about them, or to the attention of the full received by the child patient, and may feel Bagheiz of the child himself because he became ill, causing all this concern for the whole family, and from normal to feel guilty about their feelings later on when this offer processors and provide insights to the crisis and its consequences on the child patient and pressures experienced by the parents.