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This site offers a simplified idea and identifying information for the oncology, prevention and treatment methods, nor sing in any way for explanations usually offered by the doctors. Here also we can not provide specific information on the most suitable methods of treatment, or the like to people (patients) specific, information here is general information may apply to some patients, some wish to take advantage of it, but without any liability on the owner of the site.


Do you want to know a lot about cancer


First to launch the word cancer as the name of this disease is the "Hippocrates" the father of medicine in the fifth century AD, to the great similarity between this disease and the animal is known scientifically as cancer.
Such a disease is applied to the prey animal in any position of her body and then extend the multiple limbs in all directions.
The following series of questions and answers on the subject of cancer in general and the most prevalent cancers in our region and in the world between men and women.

What is cancer and what are the causes of its spread and what are the facts that you should know about?

What is the definition of cancer?
Valsrtan (CANCER) is a malignant tumor arising from the growth of a cell from the body growing unusual and is subject to the laws of nutrition and normal growth in the human body and not the end of this growth. In general, this term is called on a number of diseases, more than 250 species, among them, for example: breast, prostate, colon, rectum, bladder, ovary, uterus, stomach, liver, gastrointestinal tract and blood.

What causes cancer?
The real reason behind the cancer is still being discussed among scientists, but they come to causes that lead to cancer, including chemical carcinogens, and some viral diseases such as viral hepatitis types B & C in Mrahalhma late and finally atomic radiation and nuclear and smoking.

What are the facts that you should know about cancer?
• It's a disease is not contagious or hereditary, is not transmitted from patient to the proper contact, in addition to being thousands of years have passed since the disease was known to be registered without any thing about a cancer epidemic that had to happen if the cancer is a contagious disease.
• It's not a killer, man does not die of cancer but die from complications of the disease when diagnosis is delayed, which is usually the result of inaction or neglect of the patient's presentation to the doctor, reflecting the importance of early detection for a cure.
• A person at risk of cancer, in the sense that no person has immunity against infection, rather than that there are no vaccines and protective of the disease. Statistics indicate that it is the discovery of nearly 2 million new cases of cancer annually in the world.

Is it possible to discover the body the ability of cancer early?

Yes, by detecting the presence of antibodies to a single gene is responsible for stopping cell division of human and so-called gene (P53), which if disrupted due to the formation of antibodies to him / the cell remains in the division continues demagogue, random, and this of course leads to an imbalance in the molecules and then cancer, and I have found that these antibodies lead to early detection of susceptibility to cancer, God forbid.

In the case of cancer Are there laboratory tests to help early detection of this disease and then eradicating it?
Yes, there are tests tumor markers Tumor Markers, one of the most important medical advances of the twentieth century, which are measurements made in a sample of blood from which to reach an early diagnosis of cancer and the impact of treatment and follow-up to measure the response of the patient. Cancer
Uterine CA 15.3
Breast cancer, CA 125
Ovarian cancer CA 125
Testicular cancer BHCG
Thyroid cancer Throglobulin
Stomach cancer, CA72-4
Blood cancer (leukemia) B2M - CBC & BF
Colon cancer CEA
Cancer of the bone marrow PEPH Protein electrophoresis
Lymph gland cancer B2M - CEA

In conclusion, dear reader, that this disease does not discriminate between small or large and sing or the poor, and even do not fall overnight prey to the disease hastened to consult your doctor and work the necessary tests.
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